Chapter 5: Thief at the Breakfast!

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(Mature Language 18+)

That night lying in the bed, Leonardo kept tossing and turning around thinking about Isabella. Everything about her was so special and amazing.

From what he saw and heard till now, he clearly understood what a great girl she is. Needless to mention, her spicy sassy nature intensified his desire for her. There was something magical about this woman that he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her.

It is often said and believed that there is always a hidden personality in a person that only comes out in front of their loved ones. And just like everyone, even this girl had a soft and caring heart hidden behind that spicy, sassy and tough exterior.

If she loved nature and those simple flowers so much with all her heart, then imagine how lucky her husband would be? Just the mere thought of being her 'one and only'; the man of her life; not only got his heart racing but also gave him a sense o...

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If she loved nature and those simple flowers so much with all her heart, then imagine how lucky her husband would be? Just the mere thought of being her 'one and only'; the man of her life; not only got his heart racing but also gave him a sense of relief.

All these years, he knew something was missing in his life and now he knew she is the one who is going to fill the void in his life and complete him.

Like two people sailing in the same boat, he was not the only one tossing in the bed thinking about her. Isabella was also lying in her bed wide awake thinking about him.

For sure her devil and angel sides have been giving their 'valuable' inputs about him all day but what got her thinking was the way her heart skipped several beats when he was close to her

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For sure her devil and angel sides have been giving their 'valuable' inputs about him all day but what got her thinking was the way her heart skipped several beats when he was close to her. Let alone being close, her heart and her shameless hormones proved out to be huge traitors just thinking about him.

She truly wanted to submit to him but also rule over him at the same time. She wanted him to be a great part of her life. Everything about him was so magical and she couldn't stop herself from thinking about him.

His undeniable charm, his well-built physique, his handsome face; everything about him was perfect. For sure she tried to keep her naughty thoughts locked somewhere deep within but who was she kidding?

Every single time she tried to dismiss his thoughts, he came back stronger and made a deep impression on her kind, heart and soul. Still lost in thoughts, she kept playing with the rim of her pillow with a sweet shy smile playing on her face till sleep consumed her.

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