Chapter 4: Sugary Future - Peppery Present!

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(Mature Language 18+)

A few minutes later Leonardo reached the cottage that was located in the city outskirts. A small smile crossed his face looking at the greenery all around. This place was truly a synonym of heaven. It was so peaceful, calm and relaxing.

A perfect place for a mini vacation and definitely a perfect break he needed from that cruel life

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A perfect place for a mini vacation and definitely a perfect break he needed from that cruel life.

Even though he was against the idea of taking Fernando's help all this while, but now looking at this, he was glad that he listened to him. Thanking that amazing man for sending him to such a beautiful place he looked around drinking in the nature's beauty.

He could already picture constructing a house here for himself in the future.

As the mere thought of building a house struck his mind, he couldn't stop that small smile growing wider thinking about the girl who stole his heart at first sight.

Yes, his 'Bellissima'!

That sassy sweet doll really made one hell of an impression on him and his crazy heart let out a lusty growl that only his horny self could relate to. Even though their first meet was just for a short time and a funny one, she still managed to steal his heart and imprinted her possession over him.

Not only he felt at peace and happy being around her but that woman really ignited some naughty desires that he never felt for anyone. It was not like he was never with a woman, of course he was; to be honest, many women. But never had he felt this kind of crazy pull towards any of them.

Bella was the only woman who could make her way to his heart without even trying. Needless to say, he could already see himself sharing a beautiful life with her.

A small cozy wooden cottage was surrounded by the calming greenery. Her sparkly pink bicycle was parked in the front of their cottage while her 'pink' Cherry Blossoms were peacefully growing in one of the flower pots in the portico.

He was in the stable that he build for Nero and was busy grooming him just like every other day while she comes to him with a tray in her hand and a widely pretty smile playing on her face. Her radiant smile was so contagious that he couldn't stop smiling too.

Placing the tray on the little garden table, she wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him on his cheek telling him she had baked his favourite tea cake while he pulls her in his arms and kisses her passionately. The heat spreading on her cheeks was so beautiful and his crazy heart did yet another somersault singing how he was deeply in love with this woman.

Their wedding bands were sparkling under the rays of the prettiest setting sun.

His revere of thoughts broke when he heard Marco calling him. Clearing his throat and smiling at his own thoughts, he looked at Marco and waved at him.

"Buona sera signore!" (Good evening sir!)

"Buonasera Marco. Come va?" (Good evening Marco. How are you doing?) Leonardo asked standing on his feet and gently caressing Nero's back while Marco smiled at him and replied, "Molto bene signore. Grazie. Come va?" (Very well signore. Thank you. How are you doing?)

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