Chapter 10: The Outburst - The Truth!

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(Mature Language 18+)

Leaving Isabella angry and heart broken, Leonardo stormed out of her bedroom like a raging bull. He looked no less than an angry beast ready to slaughter what comes in its way.

Running his fingers through his thick brownish-black hair, he let out a loud growl. Clicking his tongue in frustration, he pulled out a cigarette from the pack and lit it up.

Yes, he was frustrated. But most of all, he was angry!

No, he wasn't mad at her. Absolutely not! Why would he? She is the love of his life, isn't she?

He was mad at his own self.

Totally mad for giving into the heat of the moment without thinking, for going giving into the temptation and for going this far with her.

Even though it took all his strength to not go any further, he was really glad that he stopped right in time. Because he knew, one more step ahead and there was no coming back.

Obviously it was not that he didn't want to get intimate with her. Of course he wanted to; more than anything else! But, he knew he had to behave mature and responsibly.

Kissing was a different case but what he was about to do a while back was just not okay, especially when she knew nothing about him. At least she deserved to know the truth. Didn't she?

He is a man of promises and he had already promised to himself that he won't start a relationship with her based on any secrets or lies. And even after that, he just couldn't control himself. Well, she did have that magic on him.

But yes, for once he was glad that his mind took the upper hand over his heart. His promise had a strong hold over him than his temptation.

There was no way that he would build their relationship on secrets, lies or insecurities. He always believed that keeping secrets can be as dangerous as lying to your loved ones.

For sure both the scenarios are different to a great extent but at the end of the day, both resulted in heartbreak and hurt. And no matter what, he would never do anything that could hurt her.

But little did he know that the girl who stole his heart in the first sight was deeply hurt and felt rejected.

He had already planned on telling her everything tonight after their date but things happened the other way. So now, irrespective of how she was going to take it, he was going to come clean to her; no matter what!

Nodding his head as if agreeing with his thoughts, he took a large puff and turned around only to find a fuming Isabella glaring at him like never before.

One look at her face and he knew he spoiled it bad, really bad!

With faint red streaks painted around the corner of her eyes and jaw clenched tightly, she looked so angry and upset. But what caught his attention more was the hint of pain and hurt hiding behind her anger.

No matter how hard she tried to rely on her anger; her pain cleverly stood under the spotlight. Plus, the trace of glossiness slowly pooling in her eyes was just not helping the case.

She wasn't someone who would cry over things but strangely with him, it was so different. When it came to him, everything seemed so emotional and personal. And, she had no clue how to control herself any longer. So, she chose the safest and the easiest option to get rid of him right that instant.

Inhaling deeply, she kept her gaze locked on his handsome yet pain stricken face and hissed right through her teeth, "Get Out!"

Well he could clearly understand her anger but he knew he couldn't blame her especially when he was the one who started everything in the first place. Let that be a kiss or a touch or calling her 'Bellissima' or even a mere conversation, he was the one who started things with her every single time and now he felt bad for doing this to her.

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