Chapter 2: Humanity or Cruelty?

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(Mature Language 18+)

** Sicily (ITALY) **

"Sei fuori di testa?" (Are you out of your f****** mind?) Elmo barked throwing the scotch bottle on the floor while Gernando flinched seeing his father this angry but Leonardo stayed calm like always because it didn't bother him even a bit.

Of course, Elmo was way beyond the term 'angry'. After all he wanted every single penny in his pocket and now learning how easily Leonardo had not only helped the old couple but also distributed all the Red Fangs' black money amongst the needy, irked him to no end. He was at the verge of pulling out his gun and shooting his son right at the spot but then again, did Leonardo care?


As the glass pieces shattered everywhere on the floor and the scotch splattered on the walls, Leonardo rolled his eyes putting his legs on the edge of the table.

Pulling out a cigarette from the pack, he lit it and responded back ever so nonchalantly, "Se chiami aiutare gli altri come una cosa fuori dalla mia fottuta mente, allora così sia

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Pulling out a cigarette from the pack, he lit it and responded back ever so nonchalantly, "Se chiami aiutare gli altri come una cosa fuori dalla mia fottuta mente, allora così sia. Non mi interessa cosa cazzo pensi di me. Quindi, superalo!"

(If you call helping others as being out of my f****** mind, then so be it. I don't care what you f****** think about me. So, get over it!)

Gernando who had been witnessing the verbal war between his father and his elder brother desperately hoped for this little war spark up more. After all, this would only make Leonardo a bad candidate for the Capo title in Elmo's eyes. At least he knew his father that much. Didn't he? If things would go in his favor just like he wanted then who was he to come in between? He was just going to sit there and enjoy this fight. Right?!

What a sick perverted idiot!

Swearing loudly, Elmo hunched a little forward raising his index finger and hissed, "Don't try to be smart. We are mafia, we are not here to run generosity centers. We don't help people, we rule over them. How can you not f****** understand it? If you keep donating all our money then what are we going to eat?"

Squinting his eyes, Leonardo hunched a little forward and rested his elbow on the edge of table mocking, "Which money? Are you talking about the money that you got just by troubling people? Or that money that you snatched from the poor ones?"

As Elmo glared at him, Leonardo took another long puff and asked, "I know we are in mafia but where is it written that mafia can't help people? Who defined that mafia needs to be bad? We are humans and it is high time we behave like humans; not some freaking demons!"

While Elmo's jaw clenched tightly hearing the same line for the nth time in his life, Leonardo looked straight into his father's eyes without any hint of fear lacing on his handsome face.

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