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I paced the floor eager to get this job over with, I always feel like this at the very beginning I guess you can say I'm very disciplined but I feel a rush. Im a trained Assassin this job comes with its percs like the money, fancy clothes, cars but it's very dangerous , you're always looking over your shoulder, you're always trained to go.
I looked up at the building in front of me Chin Su's Massage Parlor I put on my came face checked my blade attached to my thigh strap and proceed to walk inside. I only had 1 goal every mission, get in and get out.

"Hey I believe I made an appointment for a deep tissue massage" I spoke sweetly as I approached the receptionist desk.

"Ok ma'am what's your name?" The pretty brown skin girl behind the desk ask.

"Felicia Anderson" I spoke confidently so she wouldn't catch on to me using a fake name.

"Oh yes we have you right here you're appointment is in 5 mins the masseuse will come to get you when she's ready " she waved her hand towards the waiting area I gave her a small thank you with a head-nod and walked over to my seat.

I sat with my back against the wall to take a look at the scenery I made sure to keep my head low so my eyes wouldn't show over my baseball cap. I picked up a magazine while continuing to look around I noticed the pedicure chairs and nail stations, as well as the separate doors which I assumed held supplies.
I already had my plan mapped out.
"Felicia" hearing my named snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and smiled sweetly and walked over to the masseuse.
"If you're ready we can go on back" she said as she motioned towards a purple velvet curtain which lead toward the back room where I needed to go.

I followed her behind the curtains made sure I was careful not to touch them. We walked into a room with dimmed lights, sweet vanilla candles, and soft music playing in the background.
"This session is for 1 hour so I'll let you get changed take off everything except your underwear and lay on the table I'll be back every few minutes" she spoke as she showed me where everything was located. While she turned around I prepared to make my move in own sift motion I pulled my blade from my thigh strap, stood behind her covered my hand with her mouth and with one clean slice slit her throat I carefully layed her on the floor careful not make a sound.

I took off my jacket and placed it inside my bag I now had on a long black shirt. Very softly I opened the door and made a left careful to avoid security cameras I went through a door that said Fire Exit I used my arm to push open the doors and very normally I walked down the stairs, getting to the garage I hopped in to my all black Lambo versa and sped off .
At the stop light I took out my phone to send him a text
KP: Dinner is ready

I slid my phone back in my bag and played some music as I prepared to arrive to my destination. Me and Kp always text in code never knowing if our phones were tapped .

Pulling up to the warehouse I was feeling great to be getting my money another job completed another dollar made. I was greeted my Buck and Tee they were Kp's men who he always sent with me to make sure everything went according to plan.

"Evening Ms. Loyalty" Buck said as he opened my door while Tee proceeded to grab my bags out of the trunk .
"Hey B where to this time?" I asked as I approached the private jet.

"You know I can't tell you that right now" he said with a chuckle knowing I was just gonna ask again.
He held my hand as walked me up the steps, Tee was already waiting after he placed my luggage in the stow away. The doors closed and we prepared for take off. Leaning back in my seat I was pleased.

"Would you like something to drink Ms Loyalty?" I was asked as the flight attendant approached my table.

"Yes can I have a glass of Merlòt?" I asked very pleasantly.
She nodded and walked off, when she came back I asked her.
"Where are we landing?"

She looked at me and smiled


The Assassin (URBAN FICTION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon