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"Ahhhhh" I doubled over in pain while Anthony rubbed my back

"It's ok baby just breathe." He said in a real soothing voice

"I'm trying but this shit hurts." I said near tears as the wave of pain began to subside

"Don't worry the doctor will be in here any minute now." He said trying to keep me calm

After we boarded the jet to Panama a few months back our life has been nothing short of a paradise. He has been so attentive to me and our daughter's needs. That's right we are having a girl I didn't know how take the news at first given how my childhood was but Anthony assured me he would be here for me every step of the way and so far he has kept that promise.

"Ok Mrs. Johnson let's see how far dilated you are shall we?" The doctor said as she put on her gloves and had me lay flat on the hospital bed.

"I should be at 10 by now." I said in an exasperated breath I was ready to get this baby out of me

"You're definitely at 10 I'll page the nurses and you'll be ready to push." She replied getting up and taking off her gloves while walking over to the phone on the wall

"This is it in a few moments will have our baby girl." Anthony said with a big grin on his face

I was about to respond when another wave of pain came over me.

"Ahhhhhh can you hurry up I'm not getting any younger!" I yelled over to the doctor

An hour later I was in the mother and baby room with Anthony by my side Desiree' is sleeping in her bassinet. We decided to name her after his mom.

"Hey I'm going to the cafeteria to grab something to eat you want something?" Anthony asked walking over to me kissing me on my forehead

"Oh my gosh yes I want a big juicy cheeseburger with fries oh! and see if they got some fruit." I said very dramatically. I feel like I haven't eaten in years even though it has only been a few hours.

He nodded on his way out the door shutting it quietly to not wake Desiree'. I looked over at her sleeping. She's the perfect mixture of me and Anthony she has his eyes but my cheeks and coco colored skin. If you would've told me a year ago I would be here in this very room with my husband and daughter I would've called you a liar. I would have never been able to foresee this life for myself, and I life I didn't even know I wanted until recently. Anthony changed my whole outlook on life. For years all I ever thought about was making money, when the next job was going to be or finishing the current one I was constantly on the go. I must say it feels damn good to not have to look over my shoulder all the time.

2 Months Later

"Can you grab the stroller?" I asked Anthony while I back the baby bag

"Yeah." He replied walking out of Desiree's room

I just watched him walk out of the room. I turned around and continued getting everything together. Something has been off with him ever since we got home from the hospital I'm not sure what it is but I just figured he was home sick after having to leave his business behind hell his whole life behind. A week ago he started sleeping in the babies room whenever I ask him about he either ignores me or changes the subject. I tried to sleep in here with him one night and that just led to an argument.

So I figured we would go to the beach and the amusement afterwards I'm hoping it'll lighten his mood or at least put him in a good enough mood so he can open up to me.

"Hey I put Desiree' in the car already she's sleeping and I left the door open." He said coming back in her room.

"Ok her bag is done let's go." I said turning around to see him pointing a gun a me.

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