Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Arriving in New York I walked down the steps leaving the jet.

"Greetings would like for us to get your bags?" The flight attendant asked as I headed towards the Limo.

"Please do." I replied back with a smile on my face

I took out my phone dialing Kp, but the phone just rang and eventually went to voicemail. No worries he probably hasn't landed yet. I'll just go check into a hotel until he gives me further instruction.

Walking into the Hospital I approached the receptionist desk, while I waited for her to acknowledge me I took a look around noticing I didn't see any officers or guards like the previous day I was here. Something was wrong.

"Hello can I help you ?" A short brown skin lady asked while walking over to me with a big smile on her face.

"Uh yeah I'm Detective Harrison I'm here for some follow up questions with the gun shot victim from yesterday uh Mr.Carter"

"Oh. Well it appears that he checked himself out early this morning." She replied looking down at the ground nervously

"Huh what do you mean checked himself out, the man was shot with 3rd degree burns on his right arm he should've been here for at least a few weeks."

"I know but the nurses switched shifts this morning and when she went into Mr.Carter's room he was gone."

"Well did you alert anyone?"

"Yes but with the shooting that took place outside all of the police and security attended to that issue."

"I'm sorry but is there anything else I can do?"

"No thank you I appreciate your time."

Walking out of the hospital I dialed my partner.

"Lacy here." She answered on the second ring.

"Hey I'm over at the hospital to see if Mr.Carter remembers anything else and I hear he checked himself out and there was a shooting around the same time you hear anything about that?"

"No I haven't but I do know a few guys that were on patrol in that area this morning let me give them a ring and I'll get back to you ok?"

"Sure thing." With that I hung up.

Climbing back into my car I just sat for a minute. This guy is a lot smarter than what we're giving him credit for he must know someone is after him, my guess is he went back to New York but for what is the question. Regardless of the question I think its time we stop underestimating him. I dont want to call Boss and tell him about this but this guy is becoming a problem first he escaped a burning house now this man checked himself out of the hospital and disappeared to God knows where.


"We got a problem."

"What now!!?? Don't I pay y'all enough not to have any damn problems."

"Ya boy checked himself out of the hospital and a shooting to place at the exact same time I assume that was your doing.

"A little birdie told me he was planning to check himself out so I sent my guy to execute."

"Well he shot the wrong man because Anthony Carter is still  rogue."

"Fuck!! What you mean he shot the wrong guy??."

"The person that was shot was not him."

"I swear nobody can do anything right? I swear if I have to fly down there myself and take care of him there will be hell to pay!"

"What do you need me to do."

"Let me think I'll call you back in the meantime be prepared to take a trip to New York and keep your eyes and ears open for the forensic evidence."

I hung up the phone and sat in my squad car. This by far is the most stressful case I've worked this man has got to be stopped. My phone began to ring breaking me out of my thought.


"Hey it's me I got some info from one of the guys that were doing patrol. Apparently the man that was shot was an elderly driver it appears he was employed by Mr. Carter and has been for a long time."

"Why was he at the hospital?"

"I assume to pick up Mr. Carter since there was no vehicle at the scene or a Mr.Carter but get this an armed security card was shot an killed on a rooftop adjacent to the hospital. Poor guy was shot before he could even draw his gun."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Sniper, yes but who and why?"

"My guess is Mr. Carter wasn't supposed to survive that fire and whomever is after him came to finish the job."

"Speaking of did you ever get a hit on those finger prints?"

"Nope whomever the person is she's a woman but she's not in the system."

"Ok I'm on my way back to the station see you when I get there." With that I hung up.

The good thing is they don't know the shooter. I just hope whomever was on that building didn't leave any evidence.

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