Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I hated to leave my best friend like that but after he got shot I had to take the money and dip out. I know that's what he would've wanted. Regardless of this shit that's going on I can't let Boss win. I didn't contact Loyalty yet I don't know how imma tell her about Black especially since we never informed her about us coming.

I sat in my hotel room sipping a bottle of Hennessey and smoking a backwood. I checked into another room on the sketchy side of town I was trying to remain low key for the night. I took a sip and sucked in a breathe when I felt the liquor burn my throat going down. A nigga ain't no bitch or nothing I been doing this shit for years and before this Assassin shit I was deep in the drug came I did that shit for majority of my teenage life if not all of it until a cat from down south named James took a chance on a nigga he seen some shit in me that a didn't even notice. That killer mentality and when that nigga got capped I didn't even shed a tear but Black man that nigga was different. I met Black when I was just a jit. I grew up poor I'm talking dirt poor my mom's was addicted to crack bad to the point where we ended up losing our home because she wasn't paying the bills any money she got went to her drug habit. I used to go to school wearing my jeans inside out, dirty shirts, shoes that were so beat up my big toe would stick out. I never met my daddy mom's claimed he was a deadbeat so I never questioned her most of the time she was too high to even answer any questions I had about him. I used to get bullied by this kid named Allen he was one of the popular kids in school he hung around with a bunch of dudes who were older and I assumed had rich parents because they always had the latest gear. One day I got tired of him picking on me because my mom was a drug fiend and because of how I dressed and came to school. So I did what any kid in my position would do. One day I brought a gun to school. I remember it like it was yesterday Allen and his friends were on the playground during recess and I walked up to them with my backpack in hand. I would normally bring my bookbag to recess any other day so it wasn't unusual. When I walked up to them the usual jokes started like "Here he comes to beg for money for his crackhead mom" were in full effect. I didn't say a word I just pulled my gun outta my bag and pointed it at them I didn't even know how to use a gun but they didn't know that I've seen enough on tv and movies to know how it's supposed to go. That immediately got scared apologizing and looking around for a teacher. Sure enough Black came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder and told me to put the gun down I did what he asked and explained how they've been bullying me and cracking jokes about my mom because she's a drug addict. Allen wore a smirk on his face as if he had just won the lottery. I felt embarrassed, defeated almost until Black said his aunt is also a drug addicted and he would handle them. Sure enough he threw the first punch and knocked Allen straight on his back. They began to fight and of course once his friends saw that he was losing that attempted to jump Black which at that point I jumped in the fight as well. Black and I both got suspended right along with Allen and his friends. Black's family took me in and we became best friends. I never had to watch my back because I knew Black always had me and vice versa not only did he always have my back but he was also my eyes and ears everywhere.

Black was more than my body guard, best friend or any other synonyms he was my brother my family he was there for me when I had nobody he took me in when I didn't have anything always made sure I was good when he ate I ate and vice versa. I took another sip of the Hennessey and 2 more pulls from my blunt. This shit is personal. Fuck that business shit deep down I know this shit is my fault all of this shit could've been avoided if I would've just ended that nigga Anthony back in Miami when I walked in that bedroom. A part of me thinks even if it wasn't this job that went left eventually something in this partnership with Boss would've went left but Black didn't have to die for this shit this is my beef not his. That's why I don't feel bad about setting my sites on Boss and ended this shit once and for all. I'm no dummy this shit gotta be precise imma have to do this and disappear for good Loyalty is gonna have to wait.

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