Chapter 14

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I know the sketch can't be undone especially since my boss has already seen it. I should call "boss" and let him know what's going down but either way I look at it there's going to be consequences he's counting on me to take care of this but with everyone riding this case I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do. So I decided to let them run the media story with her sketch at least it'll buy me some to figure out exactly how I'm going to handle this.

Every officer in the Miami Dade precent was sitting around the phones the story was set to air on the 8pm news and it was currently 7:45 we're expecting for the phones to be ringing off the hook or at least the Captain is.


"Yeah make sure you get that tension behind my neck." I groaned as Cinnamon worked her magic on my back and my neck.

"Like that baby?" She asked as she glided her hands across my body.

I just moaned in response. With everything going on I've been under a lot of stress and it sure feels good to have her rubbing me down.

"Boss you're gonna wanna see this" one of my workers said as he came storming in my office.

I looked up at him like he lost his mind.

"This better be good for you to be interrupting me." I put up my hand signaling Cinnamon to stop.

He didn't respond just flipped on the TV to the news.

Good evening this is Jessica Martinez from WJC TV here in Miami and we have some breaking news. On March 14th in a quiet suburban neighborhood this house you see on the monitor behind me was set on fire in the wee hours of 5am that morning. A man by the name of Anthony Carter was shot before the fire took place and he was able to escape with 3rd degree burns. Although the police have no witnesses
we have received a sketch of a woman although we do not know her name it is rumored that she lived at this house with Mr. Carter she is not a suspect as of yet but she's is wanted as a person of interest for questioning if you see this woman or have any information on this case please call 1-800-crime stoppers. We'll take a quick break and when we come back we'll speak to a man who believes plant-based meat is better than processed. 

I had to pinch myself because clearly I didn't just see what I think I saw.

"Yo isn't that ya girl?" One of my workers asked.

"Get Harrison on the phone." I replied as I signaled for Cinnamon to bring me a Cuban cigar.

"Harrison." I replied in a calm tone leaning back in my chair. I took a long drag from my cigar.

"You saw the news?"

"Cut the bullshit you know damn well I seen it! I'm confused I thought you said that old bag didn't remember shit?"

"That's what she said but she came in here and sketched this up in a hour."

"Do they know her no name?"


"Why am I getting the impression you're not taking this seriously?"

"I am I-"

"If I find out you're on some shit you're dead."

"Boss I would ne-"

"I'm talking motherfucker remember if I go down you do too."

"I understand."

I didn't give him a chance to reply I hung up the phone and motioned for Cinnamon to keep rubbing my back.

"Something ain't right with that nigga Harrison I think he needs some motivation to fully grasp the seriousness of this situation"

"What would you like me to do boss?" My worker replied giving me that looking letting me know he was ready for anything.

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