Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jumping into Kp's car I pulled away from what was my house for the past 3 months. I'm not gonna lie when he came bursting into the room like that I was surprised I didn't expect for him to be there for 1 and for 2 he's never showed up at a job like that I was taken a back many things went through my mind like did he come because he didn't expect for me to get the job done or was he just showing up so he could do it himself. Either way he did give me that extra push that I needed.

Pulling up to the spot Big was standing by the limo just like Kp said he would be I hopped out and he met me halfway.

"Ms. Loyalty it's been a pleasure as always." He greets me as he smiles pleasantly and engulfs me in a hug.

"You know I always love seeing your face and the end of the job."

"And I love seeing your face period." He responds as he walks me towards the limo and opens my door.

I politely smile back and slide in while the limo driver is putting my bags in the trunk. As promised I look across my seat and see a black duffle bag with my cut. I open it and peer inside 2.3 million dollars all wrapped neatly in rubber bands. I smile and zip it back sitting the bag next to me. Big climbs in and sits across from me. I begin to ask the question that's been bothering me since I left downtown.

"Do you know why Kp showed up at the house?"

"Well I won't lie to you, he had a few of the guys follow you around to make sure you were safe and they reported back to him that you were becoming too close."

"Wasn't that the plan."

"I think you know what kinda close I mean." He says with a light chuckle

Then it dawn's on me he had Big follow as well and he has known me since I was a teen in the gun range practicing following Kp and his boys around just looking for a come up way before he put me on game.

"So he wasn't just there to make sure everything went smoothly if things went left he was going tie up loose ends."

He just nodded in response.

"Don't be mad at him you know how these things go. You have a boss and so does he so just like if you didn't finish the job he would have to finish you well the same goes for him."

"I'm not mad at all I knew what I signed up for but I've always been solid not once has a job went left since he took over."

"I know which is why I told him to give you the benefit of the doubt and trust his instincts instead of hearsay even if it came from me as well."

I just nodded in response. The rest of the ride was silent we pulled up to the airport terminal and Big got out first and then helped me out.

"You know where you're going?" He asked walking me to the stairs of the jet.

"Anguilla." I replied with a huge smile on my face.

"How long will you be staying?"

"3-4 months tops maybe longer." I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"We'll be waiting for you when you get back."

"You're not coming ?" I asked surprised.

"Only for a few days to make sure you settle in alright per Kp's orders of course then I'll be heading back. Since he's taking a vacation as well I might take some time off and spend it with the wife and kiddies."

"Give them my love." I reply with a pleasant smile as we board the jet.

Big has been married for 10 years he has 3 children with his wife Vanessa I only met them a handful of times but she's a very sweet attractive woman.

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