Chapter 16

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Loyalty's Villa in mm*

Chapter 16

For the past week I've been in and out of my room searching for houses I've decided I'm going to live here in Anguilla but I can't stay in a hotel forever. As far as my job well I have more than enough funds to be set for life just how am I going to get out is the question but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Pulling up to a Villa I've been looking at for the past few days I stepped out of my red Lamborghini Versa and met with my relator.

"Um Hi are you Angela?" I asked as I approached a brown skinned woman with curves for days I must say I was impressed.

"Yes and you must be Loyalty am I correct?" She asked as she sashayed towards me.

"That would be me I been looking at this villa for a few days now but online of course I'm thinking about purchasing it but I just wannat take a look in person before I decide."

"Not a problem let's take a look."

During the tour I learned the villa has 5 bedroom 3 baths 2 1/2 baths a gym a fully equipped kitchen an office as well as an underground pool in the backyard to say I was sold was an understatement.

"So what do you think?" Asked Angela as we ended the tour in the backyard.

"Well I was sold the second I saw the gym." I laughed as we took a seat in the lawn chairs.

"You know when I first saw you I thought to myself this woman has taste and if she's anything like me she'll snatch this place right up."

"How much?" I asked ready to sign my life away.

"1.2 million, but we can do monthly mortgage payments of 4,000 until you reach 1.2 million if you'd like."

"No 1.2 mil is fine now where do I sign?"

After signing the official documents and walking out to my car I payed Angela 1.2 million in cash grabbed my keys and walked into my new home.

Just as I was about to bring in my bags my phone rang.


"Hey it's me." Hearing Kps voice I breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's about time you called I was beginning to think something happened to you and we both know Black wasn't saying anything."

"Yeah I'm good I just had some things to take care of." He replied with a slight chuckle.

"Speaking of that you good? Black said he had to fly down to New York to meet you."

"Yeah to make a long story short shit didn't go as planned."

"What do you mean."

"I hope you're sitting down cuz I'm about to kick out a lot of information."

"Sitting." I replied preparing for the worst.

"Ok well boom I dont know how this happened but that Anthony nigga is still alive after you shot him Boss had me set the joint on fire somehow the nigga escaped I tried to get his ass after he escaped from the hospital but his driver got in the way and took the bullet the nigga got away and flew back to New York me and black here now to finish this shit."

I was in pure shock. Silence was the only thing I could muster but he kept talking.

"I don't know if Anthony talked but they got your face plastered all over the news nobody knows your name well at least not your real one."

"This can't be happening." Was all I could say, but once again he kept talking.

"I tried to keep you in the dark to protect you but this shit is getting outta hand ever since I fucked up killing him when he escaped from the hospital Boss been blowing up my phone but I been dodging that shit, Anthony got some outta town cop following his ass he caught up to us Black shot him not enough to kill but he knows our faces."

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