Chapter 17

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"Anthony in mm*"

Chapter 17

"Can you explain to me what happened here?" The EMT asked as he wheeled Marsha out onto the gurney.

"I-I don't know one minute we were about to toast and the next minute she was saying she wasn't feeling well I asked her if she wanted me to call her an ambulance but she said no."

"What did you toast with?"

"Water it's still in my office."

He motioned for someone to go grab it and bag it for evidence.

"Stick around I might have a few more questions." He said as he began to walk off.

"Wait am I a suspect?" I asked getting nervous

"Not at the moment right now you're a witness." He replied before he walked away to speak to someone else.

I can't even begin to wrap my head around what happened I can't believe Marsha is dead. I stood around the outside of my building as police officers, the forensic team, and the EMT's ran around bagging and tagging everything. I ran my hand down my face and turned around great! now the media is here they're going to have a field day with this. It doesn't make things better that I'm a successful black man with his own business that makes millions you know they hate to see that.


I was laying in bed sound asleep when I woke up my phone ringing.

"Harrison" I answered the phone in a groggy tone

"This is Captain are you still on vacation?"

"Uh yeah why?" I replied still have asleep.

"Not anymore I need you to get down to New York as soon as possible"

"Why?" I asked beginning to wake up.

"Remember that case with the gun shot victim Anthony Carter? Well his assistant is dead it's all over the news "

"What!?" I yelled into the phone jumping up and getting dressed.

"Exactly I don't think its a coincidence someone tried to kill him and now his assistant is dead so I want you to go down there and be the lead detective on this case I'll email the precinct right now and let them know you are to take the lead." He hung up without giving me a chance to respond.

I threw my phone on the bed and continued getting dressed.

Arriving to the hotel I parked on the street normally I would hand my keys to valet but with all the commotion going on I decided to skip that part. Jumping out of my ride I walked up to the officer the was jotting down some notes.

"I'm detective Harrison." I introduced myself flashing my badge

"I'm officer Johnson of the NYPD what precinct are you with?" He asked looking at me strangely

"I'm from Miami Dade, I'm the lead detective on this case. My captain just sent an email to yours explaining the situation. What happened here?"

"We have Anthony Carter as a witness this is his place of business apparently him and the victim were toasting to the accomplishments they've made so far he claims she first came into his office with alcohol but he informed her he couldn't have any because he didn't want to mix it with his pain meds he's been taking from a gun shot wound and burns on his right forearm. She then left the office came back with bottled water he claims he doesn't know where the water came from because he didn't physically see her grab it. He then said she received a phone call he didn't over hear the conversation but when she came back she was acting strange as if she was nervous about something. They toasted they both took a sip and she immediately didn't feel well he helped her over to the sofa in his office. She collapsed and he immediately called the paramedics." He finished off reading from his notepad

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