Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Making my way into my house I threw my Birkin across the couch and took my Gucci sandals off at the door. I layed across the couch and decided to shoot Anthony a text.
Mark: "Hey this is Serena I just wanted to make sure you have my number as well."

I wanted to send something simple to leave the reply window open to see if he was really interested and if not then I'll just give him a little push. The key to this game, to make him fall in love he needs to want me or to know he wants me.

Mark: " Hey I just got your text it was nice meeting you today"

Serena: "Likewise"

Mark: " I hope I'm not being too forward but like I told you I'm here on business, my flight leaves in the morning and I wanna take you to dinner is that cool"

I smiled knowing I had him just where I wanted him.

Serena: "Absolutely what time should I be ready?"

Mark: " I'll have my driver pick up you abooout 7:30?"

Serena: "perfect see you then."

I sent back a little too excited for my liking. I looked in the mirror. "Loyalty get yourself together you can not fall for this man you have 1 job to do and falling in love is not an option stick to the plan" I spoke giving myself reassurance.

I headed up the stairs to find something to wear. Something simple but sexy not too sexy just even to make his eyes and his mind wonder. I decided on an all black Balmain dress and I paired it with my peep toe red bottoms I wanted to keep the jewelry at a minimum so I just decided on a simple silver rose pendant.

Checking the time I noticed it was 5:30 so I started to get dressed I hopped in the shower and did my hygiene routine I applied light make up nothing too flashy and some simple curls in my hair. After getting dressed I grabbed my red Chanel clutch and headed downstairs. I received a text from Anthony.

Mark: "Send me your address"

Serena: "310 SE 1st st"

Mark: "Ok my driver is on his way"

I started to feel butterflies which was strange I just have to stick to the plan and everything will be ok as I waited I received a call from KP


"Hows everything going? I spoke to Andre and he said Anthony asked for your number."

"Yes we're actually going out to dinner in a few minutes."

"Ok good keep me posted." With that he hung up.

Now I feel a lot better hearing his voice reminded me of exactly what I'm here to do, putting my game face on I seen a car pull up in front of my house. Grabbing my keys I stepped outside and locked my door.

"Good evening ma'am." The driver greeted me while holding the door open.
I gave him a simple smile and nodded while stepping in, only to see Anthony holding a bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you." He handed them to me with a big smile.

"Thank you they're beautiful." I said smelling them and returning the same smile.

"So are you, wait that was corny I don't know why I said that I mean you do look beautiful- " He stated as he chuckled nervously.

"Thank you, you're fine I know what you mean." I laughed placing my hand on his shoulder to let him know I didn't think he was being corny at all.

We engaged in small talk and shortly after pulled up to a restaurant that had a sign that read Area 31.

His driver opened my door as I stepped out followed by Anthony he put his hand on the small of my back and guided me inside. We rode the elevator up to the top floor and again I was getting butterflies. "Snap out of it" I said to myself looking at the ground.

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