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„What's that under your desk?", Flowerboy watched as I looked under my desk every five minutes. „Shhh, I will show you later, if you won't tell the teacher." His eyes sparkled and the corners of his mouth turned up. You could see how much it took him to not burst out of curiosity. Before I went to school I found a little baby bird on the ground, under a tree. It was injured so I decided to take it with me and care for it. Right now it's under my desk, hidden in my hands. It still has no feathers so I thought it would be better to warm it. So young and already getting hurt. I know how you feel little guy. The bell rang. Flowerboy turned to me, still being super hyped. „What is it? What is it? Show me!", „Chill dude, you're acting like a little kid on Christmas. Here.", I showed the small guy and Ians eyes widened. „IT'S A BABY!", "SHHHH!!", The people who were still in class looked in our direction. „Are you stupid!? You don't need to scream like that!" I mumbled. Flowerboy, having his hands in front of his mouth, mumbling back: „I'm sorry. Where did you find him?", „On my way to school, under a tree. I guess he fell out of the nest. It looks like he broke his wing. I need to get him to a vet.", „Poor thing...Good that you found him. He's in good hands." It's been now a week since I knew Ian. But he's still sometimes weird. He's acting like he already knew me for years and he compliments me a lot. It's strange, but I'm getting a little used to it. When my friends heard about him, they kinda freaked out. They were asking me too many questions and when I introduced them, they acted like parents when their daughter introduces her boyfriend to them. It was embarrassing. At the end they understood each other pretty well tho. Ian is a nice guy. Just a little strange. He never told me where he came from or who his parents are. „Can I come with you?", „Sure, why not."

The vet told us that his wing was really broken, but it would heal up with a little help. We were both curious about what kind of bird it was. The vet told us: „That is a Raven baby. It can happen, that a baby falls out of the nest, but it seems like the parents of this one didn't notice. They probably had more than one baby, so they didn't know that one was gone. Usually, the parents would notice and take care.", „Could we take care of him?", asked Ian. „Yes, of course. I will give you a book about ravens and how to take care of them. In about two weeks you can come back and I can look on the process of healing.", „Thank you. We'll take good care of him.", She gave us the book and a little blanked to tuck the little guy in.

After a few minutes of walking Ian said: „Looks like you're a Raven mother now. I know you will do well." I do like Ravens. And I did think about having one, so I guess I'm now raising one. „Wait. I HAVE YOUR NICKNAME!! Ravengirl! What do you think?", Flowerboy literally jumped in the air, excited that he found a nickname for me. I thought about it for a second. „Ravengirl? Mmhh. I guess it fits me now. I like it.", "Really?! I'm so happy! You know, I only wanted for you a nickname that you like. Not that I call you something and you think I'm being mean.", That's actually very nice of him. I just smiled at him, for a moment. „Anyways, what name will you give him?", „I don't know, it should be a cool name. But I don't know any names that might sound cool."

When I got home, I quickly went to my room, so my parents wouldn't notice the bird. I didn't have a cage, so I cleared a drawer, filled it with some soft wool, gave him the liquid bird feed, that the vet also gave us and put him inside. After that I decided to play a little on my laptop. My favorite game is Skyrim. You can do whatever you want and it's full of many different creatures. You yourself can also become another creature like a vampire or a werewolf. Pretty cool. And I love the dragons. Maybe I should give the little guy a dragon name. I googled all the dragons of Skyrim. Alduin sounds powerful. The ones who actually played the game already know who he is. But for the ones who don't know: He's the main antagonist in the game also known as Alduin the World-Eater. He's one of my favorites. Yeah, I think this name will be perfect.

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