Ian or ...?

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I went downstairs to see what made those strange noises. It sounded like someone was eating. But not normal. More like an animal. Did Ian maybe have rats in his house? Or does he have a pet we don't know about? I was curious, so I slowly and quietly went to the half open kitchen door. I looked inside and saw... Ian? What was he doing up so late? And why does he make those strange noises? There creeping me out. Without thinking I went inside and turned on the lights. While rubbing my eye, from the bright light I said, half tired: "Ian? What are you doing up so late? And what are you eating there?" He was literally kneeling on the ground. Ian stopped and slowly, very slowly, turned his head in my direction. I looked at him for a second and then, I stopped breathing. My body couldn't move, because of what I saw. His pajama was full of blood, just like his face. His eyes weren't the normal dark green, no. They were Blood-red and he had this stare of a serial killer. It felt like the whole room was getting dark again. A cold shiver crawled down my spine. But his eyes weren't the worst thing. It was the arm. There was an arm, lying on the ground, blood everywhere and there were parts bitten off. It was from a human.... I didn't know what to do. I was horrified! Is Ian a cannibal?! Is he now going to kill and eat me, because I saw him?! Oh, God is he going to eat every one of us?!?! Too many thoughts at the same time made me faint. I fell on the ground unconscious.

I woke up a few minutes later. I was leaning on the wall, next to the kitchen door. Realizing of what I just witnessed, I flinched and saw Ian cutting the flesh off the arm. He had changed his clothes and had washed his mouth as well as the floor. How long have I been unconscious for him to do all of that? I didn't know what to say. I was just sitting there, watching him. "I'm sorry for what you've seen.", Has his voice always been this low? And how did he know I was awake without looking at me? I noticed, that his eyes were still red. But he seemed calmer. "Usually, I don't act up like this, but I was very hungry. I haven't had a meal in quite a long time.", He was finished with cutting and now cleaned the knife. I was still scared, but I had to know: "...Uhm...Uh...Th-this Arm...Who is it from?", "Who do you think.", "I don't know it could be from everyone! I mean who could it-" Suddenly I remembered something. That day in school, where the teacher announced, that Karl was missing, Ian was unusually quiet. Did? No... But, who else? It, can't be.... "Please don't tell me it's...", I couldn't finish the sentence. Instead, Ian finished it for me. "It's Karl. I know what you think. That I'm a murderer. And I can't deny it. I am. But not because I want to...", It surprised me, what he said. Why does he kill, if he doesn't want to? Ian packed the flesh together in little plastic bags and put them in the freezer, "I have a problem, with my body. Somehow, I don't know why, I can't eat meat from animals. Now you must think: Well, why don't you just be a vegetarian? I can't. Every time, when I'm hungry I have the urge to hunt and kill a human. I tried many times to stop it, but with no success. And I don't have enough time, because the other guy is longer in control than me.", "The other guy?", "Ian. He doesn't know about me. I come and go whenever I can. I kind of study myself. I noticed this at the age of 12. Ian is the guy, who actually belongs in this body. I'm just like a ghost. Controlling him, when he isn't looking. I didn't wanted him to know, so every time I killed, I hid the body and changed my clothes as well as hid the knife. Afterwards he doesn't have a memory of it at all. I don't know how I know about him, but I do. I always thought, that we are complete opposites. But...I guess we both have the same taste in girls." So, does that mean I won both of their hearts? Or what? "You can't remember much, of what happened after you got drunk, right?", he asked. "Yeah, why do you ask?", "While Ian wanted to help you out, Karl came up to us and said we should leave you alone. He even used your nickname. I said, that you're the only one who's allowed to call me that. He came near you. And touched you. Somewhere he's not allowed to go, with his dirty hands. I got you in the car and drove you home. Then I went back to the party, where I saw Karl standing in front of the house, smoking his cigarette. I asked him, if he needed a lift and that's how I got him. After a few minutes, he noticed, that we weren't driving to his home. He freaked out and jumped out of the car. I chased him. In this moment, everything was different. I was not myself. My body moved on its own. I was hungry, for his flesh and thirsty for his blood. I wanted to see him die. I wanted to hear his scream. I made him suffer, for all the things he had done to you. Ian told you, that you mentioned the people, who had hurt you. You also said, what they did. What HE did. After many times of begging for mercy, I killed him. And it felt great. But...I hate myself for what I did. And I was afraid of, what would happen, if you found out about me. Would you hate me, if I did something you always wanted to do, but never could? Would you call me a monster after everything I did? Of course, you would...And I don't blame you. I might be a killer, but I respect others opinions. Especially yours. I wouldn't care, if the whole world would hate me. Just so it could mean, that you would love me. Wendy...My Ravengirl...My everything...You made the hole in my heart full. With your love. I was always there. I heard everything. I saw everything. It was just Ian, who was in control. And after you said, that you liked him, I was so happy, but then I realized, you were only talking about him...He will now come back soon. It's your decision, if you tell him about me or not. But please. When you go, tell him it's not his fault. He has nothing to do with this." ...I was speechless. What he said, it wasn't scary anymore. He is a lot different then Ian, but they both share the same love, for me...I had to think. But before that: "Before you go, I want to know YOUR name.", He turned one more time to me. "My name is Gedeon.", He turned around and Ian came back.

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