Happy times

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"You two did WHAT!?," Cleo couldn't believe what I told her. "You kissed him!? Like on the lips!? And now you two are dating!?!?" "Yeah, I mean, I love him.", She looked at me with wide eyes and her jaw had dropped. "Oh...my....GOD!!! I have to tell the others!", "Wait no-!", "Rhy! Guess what! Our little emo girl is dating the sunny boy!", She had already called Rhy before I could say something. Oh shit. We heard downstairs, that someone knocked on the door. Since Cleo's mum and brother went out shopping, we had to open. It was Mira, sweating and out of breath. "What's- huh- going on!?," she panted. "I could feel something happening and I didn't want to miss it.", "Wait, how did you come here so fast? Are you Sonic, or something?", I asked. Still out of breath, Mira came inside. After 20 minutes the others arrived as well. They were asking me a lot of things: "How did you two come together? How did you find out you like him? Is he good at kissing? Did you two get in bed?" "Guys, calm down! I will tell you everything, but you have to be quiet!", I had to shout, because they talked so much. Within seconds everyone went quiet. I breathed in and told them everything, that had happened yesterday. I told them about mum and dad and that I finally really stood up to them. I told them, Ian is a nice guy and he makes me happy. And that I feel safe with him. Mira and Connor cried: "THAT'S SO CUTEEEE!!!" Derek beside them said: "Our Tsundere finally confessed her feelings.", "Tsundere!?" I went a little red. Rhy, who had been leaning on the wall next to me, sat down beside me, let his hand rest on my shoulder and said: "We're all happy for you, Wendy. Like you said, Ian is a cool guy and we hope your relationship stays as long as possible.", "Thanks, Rhy.", I smiled at him. Mira opened her arms and announced: "Group hug!" We all hugged.
They couldn't stay for long, but we agreed on meeting soon again. The next month Ian and I would meet each other non-stop. We went to the movies, had picknicks at Central Park or would go around the city shopping. He bought me a cute sweater with pink skulls and I bought him a little plushie. We also went out to eat together. But not in fancy restaurants, more like fast food. But it was great. This was the best time ever. With every day we hung out together, we grew even more close. We did go to Therapy still, but nothing bad had happened then. Friday in November the gang hung out together. For some reason we ended up at Ian's house again. Music was playing in the background, while we talked in the living room. I had the sweater on, which Ian had bought me while he had placed the plushy, I had bought him, on the couch. We talked about funny and stupid stuff everyone did once. I told them about, how Connor threw his chair at the teacher, because he saw a wasp. "That wasn't the worst thing I did tho.", "It wasn't?", I asked. "Nope. When I was eight, my older brothers and I made a bet on who can drive faster down the hill with the bike. I won, but I also lost my front teeth. It was worth it.", "Wait you have replacement front teeth?! I wanna see!", said Mira. Connor pulled on his front teeth and they were really replacements. "How did you loose them exactly?", asked Rhy. "Well, I was a little too fast and we live near the woods. It's kinda hard to slow down a bicycle, that goes 17 miles per hour.", Ow. It's a wonder he's still alive. "Well, that sounded like it hurt a lot, BUT there's something I just HAVE to know. Rhy. How did you get that scar on your left?", Mira sounded really desperate to find out. "Uhm- well, I kinda got it in a stupid way. I was cooking for my dad. He was off to work and I wanted to surprise him when he got home. I was eleven at that time and my dad had already showed me how to cook. Since mum is a nightguard at a mall, she would sleep at day to be fit for the night. Anyways I wanted to cook for my dad his favorite food and was cutting onions. I don't know how, but somehow, when I rubbed my eyes, I cut my eye with the knife. It was so deep, that I got blind on it. Luckily, my dad came home a few minutes later. I gave him a surprise, just not a good one.", "Aww, it's actually cute that you wanted to cook for your dad.", meant Cleo. We all agreed. "Tell us what you did, little Miss perfect.", said I to Cleo. "To be honest, I didn't do much stupid things when I was younger. But I have something, that I still do today. When I'm mad at my brother, I mix Skittles and M&M's together. He hates it, but he always falls for it.", "That's not a bad idea.", "I know. Now it's your turn Miss emo.", "Ok, ok. When I was little and I would visit Spencer, I pretended as if I could see the people he saw when he hallucinated. He got really confused sometimes because of it. I would always ask them things or give them a toy or something. But to my defense, I didn't know at that time, what was up with Spencer.", "That must've confused the shit out of him.", Derek was half reading his manga and half listening to us. "Alright your turn anime boy.", He closed his book and said: "I had a crush on a girl in third grade, who was also my neighbor. I was too shy to tell her, so I would stalk her non-stop. My room and her room were direct in front of each other, but she had curtains. They were closed most of the time, so I never saw her really, just a shadow. Once I saw her changing her clothes. As curious as I was, I went outside to see better, from her window. What I saw was the worst. It wasn't her, but her sixteen-year-old sister, who was changing. This whole time, I had been stalking the wrong girl." We all laughed. Derek's cheeks reddened, but he also laughed a little with us. "Aw man, I feel sorry for you.", "It's alright. Her sister looked good too to be honest.", Connor had his arm wrapped around Derek, who now had put his book down. "Alright. It's my turn! I almost killed myself by drinking half a tube of soap!", "Why would you drink soap!?", Cleo had asked that question for all of us. "I don't know, it smelled good. And I was a really stupid kid back then.", "You and Connor have the worst stories. But what about Ian? Is there something you did?", I asked. He thought for a little and said: "I remember, when I was younger, I would always climb on all kinds of things. I once was on top of the fridge, somehow. My mum freaked out, because at first, she couldn't find me and then she questioned me how I got up there. And to be honest I have no idea of how I got there.", "Ah, so you were a monkey child.", "Monkey child?", "Yeah, a kid who likes to climb on stuff. I call them monkey children.", Sometimes I wonder what's going on in that head of Mira's. The night was long, but fun. Cleo and I were the last ones who left. Ian kissed me and said: "Have a good night, dear.", "You too, Flowerboy.", "We see each other tomorrow?", "I'll call you.", "I can't wait~", Cleo behind me said: "This is cute and all, but we have to go Wendy.", "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Just one last little good night kiss." I kissed him and went my way with Cleo. On the bus station Cleo meant: "You two fit very well together. I'm really glad you found a man for you, who also fits you.", "Yeah.", Suddenly my phone rang. It was Dr. Walker. At this late time? What would be so important to call me this late. I answered: "Hello?" I listened to everything he said. I froze. My heart beat so loud I heard it in my ears. My breath faltered and my eyes started to tear up. Then my hands began to shiver. I dropped my phone and ran as fast as I could to the asylum.

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