Last Goodbye

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I didn't care how far the asylum was away, I just ran. My sight was blurry from all the tears and my chest ache from all the running. My thoughts ran around in my head: "Spencer! Fuck, not now, not today! Please! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!", I don't know how long it took, but eventually I arrived at the asylum. I ran inside and saw Dr. Walker, who had already been waiting for me. He had sad eyes. "Wendy... I'm so sorry...", He hugged me. "But he slept in calmly. He felt no pain, when he died.", He tried to comfort me a little. "... C-can I... see him?", "..Of course... Come.", I followed him to the other side of the asylum. In a rather small room was he lying, a blanket covering him up. I went inside, my whole body trembling. At first, I just stood there, looking at the covered body. I was scared and couldn't bring myself to put the blanket away. Walker stood beside me saying: "Take your time..." He went outside and left me alone. "... Spencer... I...", My eyes began to tear up again. I gathered all my courage and slowly opened the white blanked. His face was pale, his eyes closed. But...he was smiling. You could almost not see it, but he smiled. So peaceful. Like he was just sleeping. I began to cry, my tears falling on his face. Slowly, I put my trembling hands on his cheeks and put my head on his. "...Dad...", I whispered, wasn't able to bring anything else out of my mouth. I was just crying. A lot... It hurt like knifes in my heart. The person, who was there for me all the time, who brought me joy, who comforted me when I was sad, who sang me to sleep when I was tired, who taught me to be myself and who accepted me for who I was... Is now gone... Forever... I know he told me, he would still be here to protect me, but it hurts so much to know, I will never get to see him again. After crying my heart out, I gave him a kiss on his forehead and whispered: "Thank you...For everything.." I had been in the room for almost an hour. As I went outside, I turned around one more time. Spencer will always stay in my heart and I will never forget him. My real dad.

One week later I got an invitation to his funeral. "Will you go?", asked Ian, who I had told everything. Afterwards he comforted me and even cried with me. Even if he knew Spencer for only a short time, he still liked him as much as if he had been a long time friend. I looked at the invitation silently. "Yes. But I need you to come with me.", "Of course...", The funeral was on Sunday and to my surprise there were not so few people there. I didn't know most of them, but I had guessed that some of them were part of his family. Ian and I were sitting in the last row, so nobody would notice. I had a long black dress on and a black hat. Ian was the first time wearing a black suit. After the funeral was over, we wanted to go home, but an old lady called us from behind: "You are Wendy, am I correct?", The woman was about 70 years old and was also wearing a black dress, but it looked more expensive. Her makeup was a little ruined from her crying all the time. I answered: "Yes. How do you know me?", "My name is Beatrice and I'm the one who invited you. Eliot told me a lot about you, or should I say Spencer.", "Eliot...That was his real name? He never told me. But besides that, who are you exactly?", "I'm his sister.", "Oh...It's nice to meet you ma'am. And I didn't know, he still had contact with his family.", "Well, our parents weren't the best. Even I knew that. When I heard, that my older brother had left, because he loved someone that my parents didn't like, I was amazed of how brave he was. Standing up for himself and his love. Afterwards, I visited him, against my parent's will. But eventually they found out and I wasn't able to talk with him anymore. After our parents died, I called him again. We met each other and talked. Since then, he had been calling me sometimes. And he told me about you. I knew you and Eliot had a strong bond to each other and I'm very thankful, that you looked after him. You know, he had mental problems even before his wife died. They were just not that strong. But I guess having someone to talk, who is real, helped him a lot. So, thank you Wendy." She took my hands and gave me a warm, comforting smile. I was touched by what she said to me and I began to cry again: "Ma'am... Your brother was the best father I ever had. He took care of me, when my parents didn't and he helped me through a lot of shit. I am so thankful to have found someone like him and I won't ever forget him and what he did for me. So, thank you for telling me this. It 's reassuring to know that I was still a help to him too. Thank you." Tears rolled down on my cheeks like waterfalls. When I looked up, I saw her being in tears as well. We both cried, but also smiled. Then she took me in her arm. It felt nice.

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