Fuck you

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Set in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
"I'm trying, I'm trying, Harry!" Rose exclaimed, tucking her hair behind her ears as she fumbled with the security controls.
"Get out of there!" His voice ordered from the phone on the side next to her.
"I can't, just give me a minute." She said and the door opened. "Shit."
"Rose? What-"
"Gotta go, sorry, Harry." She ended the call and put the phone in her back pocket.
"Rose Parker." Menken said as he strolled inside, a few men behind him. "What a nice suprise."
Rose backed away from him nervously.
"Was that your darling Harry on the phone? Why don't you put him back on?"
Rose continued backwards, reaching back for the knife she had found when she passed the staff room.
"Tell me the codes."
"No." She said softly, her voice shaking as she locked eyes with Menken.

"Hey, Spidey!!" Harry yelled as the workers were ushered out of the building.
"Mr Osborn." Peter/Spidey jumped down from where he was swinging from the ceiling. "I suggest you get out of here."
"No, you don't understand." Harry said. "My...my friend, Rose, Rose Parker, she's in my office, she's trying to download the work, but Menken is going up there-"
"-leave it to me, Mr Osborn." To be honest, Harry had him at Rose, but he didn't know that. "I'll get her out of here, get out safe." He ran off before Harry could say anything else.

"Give me the codes, Parker."
"I said, no."
"You heard the girl." Spider-Man slowly came down from the ceiling. "Why don't you leave?"
Menken nodded at the two men behind him and turned to Peter. "What's it to you?"
"Well, Oscorp is a big part of this country, you know? And I live around here so...yeah?"
The men ran forward to grab Rose, who pulled out her knife and waved it around.
"Woah, Rose, seriously, a knife?" Peter asked.
"You know her?"
"Sure." He said, not a moment's hesitation behind him. "She's always in the paper, aren't you, Rose?"
"That's me." She nodded and gulped.
"Get rid of him." Menken told the other security members, who immediately started firing at the red and blue clothed superhero.
The other two security guards grabbed ahold of Rose and the knife clattered from her grip, with a sharp nod, they dropped her and Menken smirked down at her.
"The codes, Miss Parker?"
"Fuck you."
"Last chance."
"I said, fuck you."
"How about this?" He stepped onto her leg and with a sharp crunch, the bone beneath his foot snapped.
Rose let out an ear splitting cry of pain and he stepped off.
"I said, fuck off."

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