That'll be the mascara

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"You alright?" Peter asked when I grabbed my coat from the rack behind the door.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just going to see Harry." I shot him a small smile. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good." He leaned against the wall as I wound a scarf around my neck.
"Aren't you together yet?"
"That's what Peter said." I mumbled, deciding to say the same thing I had to Peter that morning.
"I said, I want to take it slow."
"Any slower and you'll be going backwards soon."
Almost exactly what Peter had said earlier.
"Ha ha, I'm going." I told him and opened the front door.
Harry was in an urgent meeting when I got there, well according to the receptionist.
He told me to come back in an hour, and of course, I wanted to see him, so I went back later.
The receptionist, who's name I'd learned to be Garry, phoned up to Harry's office and said he had a visitor.
"Are you sure, Mr Osborn?" Garry seemed surprised. "It's Miss-."
Harry said something inaudible and Garry nodded. "Very well, Mr Osborn." He put the phone down and sighed. "He doesn't want any visitors, I'm sorry."
I shot him a small smile. "That's alright, Garry, thanks for trying."
"I could call him again, tell him it's you, I'm sure-"
I cut him off with a shake of my head. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll phone me or something if he feels better."
Garry smiled sympathetically and I could see he truly felt bad. "I'm sorry, Miss Parker."
I sighed and pulled out my phone, which just happened to run out of battery. "Would you give Harry a message from me?"
"Of course." He pulled out an old fashioned notepad and pen.
"Could you tell him that I'm sorry he had a awful day and he doesn't need to feel like he has to ask for my help, I'm always here for him if he needs it."
Garry nodded as he scribbled away. "You're a lovely friend, Miss Parker, Mr Osborn is lucky to have you."
"Call me Rose." I smiled. "And thank you, I've got to go, but you have a wonderful day, Garry, I'll see you when I'm around again."
"No problem, Rose, happy to assist, and you have a wonderful day too." He smiled back softly as I turned to leave.

Rejection stung deep as I walked back along the streets.
First I had lost every potential friend when Peter's identity was leaked, then I lost Harry and the other universe stopped being a part of my dreams. Then my future in acting had been ripped away from my hands.
I couldn't take it anymore.
"No show from Harry?" Peter asked when I came in the door.
"No." I said, still holding back tears as I shut the door behind me. "He's busy."
My voice must have broken, because Peter muted whatever he was watching and looked my way as I passed the door.
"You okay?"
I shut my bedroom door behind me and pressed myself up against the wall as my breathing became uneven.
Let's just say I spent the next two hours playing music that definitely wasn't uplifting and ruined the makeup I had wasted my time putting on that morning.
I had calmed down later, but I didn't hear the knock at the door when I was curled up, and yes, I know it's childish, but holding onto the small bear that Harry had given me not even that long ago.
Someone sat on the bed, just beside me, and smoothed back a lock of my hair.
"Hey, Rosie bear." It was Harry's voice. "Well, I should say Rosie and Bear." There was a lightness to his voice that made me look up.
"Hey." He said again softly. "Pete told me you weren't feeling so good."
I sighed and sat up. "Just one of those things."
Harry pulled the bear, Eddie, onto his lap and played with his paws. "It's a bit...Odd, seeing you upset." He looked up and smiled softly. "But it's not a bad thing."
I nodded and wiped my eyes carefully.
Harry put Eddie on the bed and rested his hands on either side of my face, bringing his forehead to rest against mine.
"What's up, buttercup?"
I rested my hands over his and smiled weakly.
"Your eyes are all grey." He whispered and ran a thumb beneath my eye.
"That'll be the mascara."
"Ah." Harry pulled away and picked up the packet of wipes on my dresser, he pulled one out and smiled softly before carefully dabbing beneath my eye. "I didn't think you wore make up."
"I don't normally." I met his eyes and smiled back gently. "Normally when I want to experiment or look half decent for someone."
"And I'm guessing that person was me this morning." He smirked softly.
"Perhaps." I bit my lip.
"You know you don't have to do things like that." Harry moved to my other eye. "A nice smile and a cheery hello will do me."
I paused, Harry hadn't really said anything like that before. "The press as well, they're always following me, I swear." I took Harry's free hand into my own. "I don't want your image to be ruined by something I've done, or-"
I was woken up by my phone ringing.
"Peter, this better be good." I groaned and sat up.
"Yeah well um-"
"-spit it out." I said and put the phone on my bed, pulling on a sweater.
"Okay, so the spell with Doctor Strange actually went completely wrong, and uh...well let's just say there are people from other universes coming into ours."
"What?!" I exclaimed and grabbed my bag. "Where are-"
"-that's not it." Peter paused. "Harry...your Harry, he's here."
That caught me off guard. "He... he's what?"
"I don't have time to explain, we're at Stephen's place."
"I'll be there in ten, god Peter, what have you done?" I opened my bedroom door.
"I know, I know, just see you soon."

Not This Universe //Harry OsbornWhere stories live. Discover now