The beginning

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1st September 1995

Everyone was eating in the great hall, when suddenly a letter appeared in front of the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Everyone was silent because it was not everyday that was happening. Albus stood up and read carefully for the teachers and students:
"Dear hogwarts,
Cassie Andromeda Lupin-Black is alive. She and a few other survivors, of a horrible adventure, are currently going through tough times as it is, and I think its time for you all to understand what has been happening to them. Many children has been kidnapped from their home ,including Cassie, to join an awful experience called 'The Maze'. So I send you with this letter three movies about the life of Cassie and her friends. Prepare yourself because some scenes are not pretty to see.
The one who wants to reveal the truth"

Everyone in the great hall were in shock after the revealing of this mysterious letter and started to be a little panicked. James and Lily Potter looked at each other worried, and told at the other to tell Sirius and Remus. Some students, especially Harry Potter, the twins (Leo and Aurora Lupin-Black), were shocked because the three of them remembered well their sister who has unfortunately disappeared ,when suddenly the doors open to reveal some people like:
-Sirius Lupin-Black
-Remus Lupin-Black
-The Order
-The Malfoy's
-Amelia Bones (she's not dead)

"What is this mascarade ?!?" Asked Sirius angry and worried.
"We received a letter telling us to come here to watch our daughter's life. It is true?" Asked Remus worried.
"I don't know if it's true but us too received a letter telling us the same things and with that three movies so I suppose we are going to watch them. To learn the truth apparently." Said the headmaster worried because he knows what he did.
"So, how do we know its not a joke?" Asked the twins.
"It's not so everybody sit down and watch!" Said a unknown and frustrated voice.

And like that, a little near hundred sofas appeared ,for everyone to be comfortable, and some food and drink too.

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