Banishing and a sad Cassie

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The screen changed when it was more calmly and we can see Thomas, Alby, Cassie and Chuck towards the hammock and all. "So, what happened to him?"asked Thomas to Alby and Cassie with Chuck, listening next to them. "It's called the changing."started Alby, looking at nothing in particular, "it's what happens when someone gets stung."continued Cassie with a stern face. "Listen... we haven't been able to get a clear word out of Ben since it happened."said Alby, sitting next to Thomas. "You know, he's not making any sense. And it's only gonna get worse. The infection is spreading. He's dangerous."explained Alby, seriously, looking at him. "We had to banish him..."replied Cassie with watery eyes. "What?"asked Thomas to her, "Nothing... anyway you will see it soon."and with Cassie stood out and walked away.

"Banish?!"yelled out Aurora, "But they can't do that. Because I think that they're gonna banish him in the maze so he'll gonna die."continued Aurora. "Yeah... you right but I think I prefer that than to leave him in and put in danger the others, if they say he's dangerous, he's dangerous. Who are we for judging them?"replied Leo to his twins with a frown on his face. "But-"but she was cut by Ginny, "shut up, you're not even there so why are you like that, it's not like it was you." And with that Aurora shut her mouth. (Ah silence)

"What did he say to you?"asked Alby calmly. "Um... he said he saw me and that this is all my fault. How could this be my fault?"replied Thomas, with a disbelief look. Alby didn't say anything like he was thinking about it but say anyway, "All right, get some rest."he started to walk away but Thomas said otherwise, "Wait, Alby.", "Yeah?", "What did Cassie mean earlier? About banish Ben? What's gonna happen to him?"asked Thomas, again. But the screen cut to show the glade without letting Alby to answer.

But then we can see all the gladers standing in front of the doors, who were still open, with long sticks in their hands, all with serious faces. "Just listen to me.", it was Ben, who was being escorted to the doors by Minho with his hands tied behind his head. "Just, please, listen to me. Please Minho."he pleaded Minho but Minho didn't want to hear a thing Ben has to say and continued to walk in the middle of the gladers. "Alby..."said Ben before he was on his knees on the ground and Minho cut the rope off of his arms. The Gladers pointed their sticks to Ben, to leave him in a small space.

We can see Cassie with a bow and arrows and she pointed two arrows towards Ben with tears in her eyes.

"My poor baby... she shouldn't have been there."said Remus with sad eyes, looking at Sirius. "It's not dangerous to leave her have that? She could hurt someone."said Aurora with a disapproving look, "At least, she can protect herself."explained Leo, like it was obvious. "I know, but she can accidentally hurt someone no?"replied Aurora. "I think she had time for three years to learn the bow and all."said Hermione, not understanding her friend behavior. "Yes, so now be quiet, it's an important scene."said Ginny shut again Aurora up.

"No, no please. Please don't. Please don't do it."pleaded Ben, crying when he saw Minho walking in front of him with a bag in his hand. But with the Maze now rumbling like they were gonna close and a nod from Alby, Minho threw the bag into the maze. "Poles!"yelled out Alby and with that some gladers, with more big sticks, lower them to put them on the same level as Ben to push him out. Ben was pleading them but they continued to push him out even if it was hard. We see Chuck turns around, not wanting to watch Ben being banish. Thomas was seen watching with a horrified expression. And then the doors closed on Ben and with that it was silent until Alby spoke, "He belongs to the Maze now."

"It's horrible, he was their friend, but I understand their decision."said a ravenclaw girl with a small voice.

All the gladers walk away and then we can see Gally bared Ben's name on the wall with gladers around him with torches . "Do you think he might make it?"asked Thomas to Chuck, looking at them, "Ben? No... no one survives a night in the maze apart of Cassie because she's a badass."explained Chuck with a small smile but with sad eyes. "You just gotta forget about him."continued Chuck, turning in his hammock to sleep. Thomas was now looking at Alby who was with Cassie with her head on his shoulder with a long face.

The screen shut black and then show like before, dreams like flashbacks again. The elevator to a dark hallway, to the same girl with Cassie, still saying "Thomas..." like a murmur. The echoing of a woman is heard with the same phrase, "Wicked is good". And suddenly we see a boy, like Alby locked up in a big bow with water like he was drowning. And then the voice of Thomas saying, "Wicked is good", it changes again with doctors looking at someone. Whispers, still whispers of "Wicked is good". And the voice of Cassie, who told Thomas, "Thomas, you have to choose."

And with that Thomas wakes up startled.

"Okay... it was really weird."said Ron, looking strangely at Thomas. "I would like to know what is it anyway."said Lily looking at her husband, "I know... me too Lily-flower."replied James with loving but worrying eyes. "Everyone saw the girl multiple times but I wonder if she will arrive in the box."wondered Hermione, with a questioning face.

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