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"You still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asked after the girl had fainted

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"You still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asked after the girl had fainted.

"Yeah" many voices were heard in the great hall and all the gladers look at Gally with a small smirk on their faces.

The screen changes to Minho, Newt, Cassie and Thomas walking into the infirmary when it shows Alby coughing and shivering from the sting he got from the griever. They passed him to check on the girl that hasn't woken up yet.
"Jeff. What's going on? What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?" Newt asked a med-jack. "Hey man, I got my job the same way you did." Jeff responded to him with a lazy voice.

Thomas and Cassie are seen looking at the girl with confused faces like they recognized her. "Well, do you two recognize her?" questioned Newt to them, wanting to know more. However Cassie and Thomas replied both negatively.

"Why I am sensing that they are both lying but at the same time like they're not really sure?" wondered Hermione looking at the screen with a long face with some people agreeing with her.

"Really? Because she seemed to recognize you both."said Newt with now a confused face as well. "What do you want to know Newt? We don't know, we don't know and that's it."replied Cassie with a stern voice. "What about the note?"asked Thomas, wanting to change the subject of the conversation. "Yeah, we'll worry about the note later.", "I think you should worry about it now.", "We've got enough to deal with at the moment.", "Guys, stop it, it's not hard to guess, it seems like box won't return another person again. She is the last person."interrupted Cassie, "They're right Newt, if the box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last."asked Jeff with a small voice. "No one said that. Let''s not jump to any conclusions. We'll just... we'll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows."

"Yeah, how can you survive without food?"wondered a first year. With that the parents of Cassie and their friends were starting to become worried for her, even if she was literally next to them next to her friends.

"Somebody's gotta have some answers here."continued Newt, "Okay." And with that Thomas turns around and starts walking out of the infirmary. "Where are you going all alone?"asked Cassie confused by his move.

"I want to know as well!"cried out a second year.

"Back into the maze."replied Thomas, continuing to walk out.

All the kids, teachers and parents turn to look at Thomas, like he has three heads. "Are you insane?", "Do you have a death wish?" were questions that were asked to Thomas and all the gladers laughed at that a part of Thomas who has a grimace on his face.

"Woah woah, what do you think you're doing right now." Cassie asked when she grabbed his arm to jerking him back. "Yeah. What is this with you, huh? A death wish?"asked Minho looking at him weirdly. "You just got out, and now you want back in?", "We have a dead griever just outside in the maze. You're telling me you're not even a little bit curious?"replied Thomas looking at both Cassie and Minho, wanting them to actually agreeing with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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