Chapter Nine: I still love you

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"My friend, he is dying I can't help him," I say.

"Then do not waste your tears because I can tell you that the time for him to die is not yet upon us," he says. I get up and I follow him over to Arthur.

"Don't be afraid, my name is Tellias," he says.

"I'm Merlin," I began.

"I know who you are. The moment for our meeting has been written many, many years. You are Emry's," he says to me.I watch as he puts his hand to Arthur's cut and says an enchantment.


"He is sleeping. Within hours he'll be fully recovered."

"You sure?" I ask him.

"If my memory serves me well."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to show you something, Merlin."

"Hey wait who are you?" Morgana asks. He looks at Morgana weirdly.

"Hmm, I see time is trying to rewrite itself. If you must come, Morgana you must," he says as he makes me follow him and Morgana runs after us looking really confused.

"She doesn't know I'm a warlock," I whispered to him so Morgana couldn't hear me.

"I know that," he whispered back. I shrug my shoulders having no idea what the heck is going on here.

We head into this cave and he lets me and Morgana into it before him. "What is this place?" I ask.

"This is where magic began. It is the crystal cave."

I step forward feeling so much power here and looking at the crystals. I start seeing images of Morgana wearing the crown of Camelot and me as an old man but I quickly turn back around. 

"What is it you see?" he asks.

"I can't see anything," Morgana said sharply. I looked at her and sighed. Here is where Morgana finds out about me, clearly.

"What is it you see, Merlin?" he asked again.

"Flashes, images I saw something like this in the crystal of Niratid," I say.

"What you see here is exactly the same because the Crystal of Niratid was taken from this very cave. Look into the memories, really look and the truth will be revealed."

"No, take me out of here. How do i get back to Arthur," I say.

"The Future is hidden to all but a few, Emry's You are one such person."

"No, I've been through this before."

"Perhaps there is a reason to why you where brought here in this moment in time," he says.

"What reason?" I ask

"Only the Crystals can tell you. They contain futures that are not yet born. The secrets they reveal Emry's are unique to you and you alone. Look into the memories, really look," he says as he points to the crystals. "Use what you see for good."

What I saw, I couldn't believe Morgana would do. I mean I knew she hated Uther, a lot but I couldn't understand why she would do that. I kneel on the floor of the cave once I had seen what was to come to pass.

Morgana rushed over and helped me to my feet. "What was that about? How can you see the future in these Crystals you don't even have magic," she whispered.

I only had to look at her for that second and then she knew. "You have magic?"

"Morgana please let me explain," I began. She looked right at me, "What is there to explain? You lied to me, when you could of helped me," she said sadly.

"I did help you in the best way I could but I couldn't let you know how could I? You want Uther and Arthur dead and I couldn't let you know about my magic, you would of got me killed," I begin. She shook her head, clearly not knowing what to do or think.

"We have to get back to Arthur," I say as I stumble up the stairs trying to find the way out of cave and Morgana followed behind me very slowly.

"What did you see?" she asked.

"Something that I don't like or believe," I tell her.

"Was it about me?" she asked.

"Yes, Morgana. It was pretty much all about you and one other."

"Is it bad?" she asks. I nod not having the guts to say yes out loud.

"We both always said it be a dangerous game right?" she asked.

"Yes I guess so," I whisper back.

"It's even more dangerous for you now," she said quietly.

"I know," I said.

"I still love you," she managed to say.I nod to let her know I still love her too even if the future don't look bright for any of us.


Sorry its short again XD. I hope you enjoyed it tho

Let me know what you think THANKS!

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