Chapter Four: Just one more thing

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I sat on Gwen’s bed her looking at me weirdly. I had fainted. There is no explanation to why I did or why I’m feeling like someone has poisoned me.  Gwen is worried and I can’t blame her. Our plan was working out apart from Arthur now having donkey ears and unable to talk like a human right now.

We had it all sorted I was going to get the box which is lined with led which is the only thing that can keep the Goblin captured and then we was going to poison Gaius later on today and everything would be back to normal but now I don’t think I’m up to being a part of it.

This means one thing. I’m going to have to trust Morgana to help Gwen to kill Gaius, capture the goblin and then bring Gaius back to life. I feel like I’m going to pass out again and Gwen rushes forward but I have no idea why.

“You look even paler then before, Merlin. Lay down,” she insisted. I didn’t have the energy in me to even argue with her. I lay back on her bed as she brought over a cloth and put it on my head.

“You’re burning up, I don’t understand. Have you eaten anything which could have brought this on?” she asked me.

“I hardly ate anything since the goblin got me arrested,” I said to Gwen but struggling to take breaths without coughing.

“i can’t explain it, Gaius is the physician,” she said with a worried voice.

“Gwen, go to Morgana and tell her I can’t go on with the plan but she will have to help you instead. She knows where the box is lined with led,” I whisper to her.

“Merlin, Morgana or I can’t make poison we don’t know how,” she sighed.

“I’ll write down a list of things you need and where you can find them then you just need to add it together. You’ll do fine. Get that goblin out of Gaius and bring him back I know you can and also hurry I think I need him,” I smiled.

“I will just relax, rest and I’ll get you some water before I go,” she smiles.

“Grab me some parchment and a quill too,” I remind her and she nods.


Morgana came into the hut after knocking three times and I hadn’t replied. Not because I couldn’t or wanted too but because there are more guards securing the lower town then normal to find me. The goblin maybe able to tell I’m still about but I’m not sure exactly. So I decided shouting its open come in was the last thing I should do.

“I’ve got the box lined with led. Gwen said she would meet me back here after I got it but I guess she had something to do first,” Morgana said as she came towards me.

“I’m not sure,” I told her the truth my head feeling suddenly extremely fuzzy.

“Merlin...,” began Morgana.

“Yes?” I question her.

“I think you’re ill...because of me,” said Morgana.

“You think? How can you think it was you it was either you or not you should know that,” I say angrily and regretting it straight away. “I’m sorry I really don’t feel well right now...I’m losing a part of me without evening knowing how that is happening or...,” I cut short as suddenly what I was about to say vanished, like I forgot what I was going to say next.

“It’s fine I know it’s not your fault but I said think Merlin, because since my bracelet has been gone I’ve been using this potion which helps me with my nightmares but I stole it from Gaius’s’s something I should’ve have took or thought about taking but it did the trick but to my point this potion is dangerous and I should have known better...remember what Gaius told me about you once,” she said looking worried.

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