Meeting Again

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    ~~ 1 year Earlier ~~

          Edd stared at the large building before him. Edd gulped, gripping his tie he began to walked forward, refusing to be late for his first interview in weeks. Entering the revolving doors, Edd tried to make sure he didn't touch them, the idea of germs and bacteria on them made him stress out, though anxiety already gripped at his chest. The last thing he wanted, and needed, was to go into cardiac arrest. Entering the main lobby. Making sure to avoid people, to the best of his ability, he walked up to the main desk. A short red headed woman with brown eyes smiled blandly at Edd.
"Salutations," Edd mumbled, "I am here to converse with the CEO at this facility." She raised an eyebrow before swiftly typing on her keyboard. Edd held back a shiver at the thought of how many germs were on it. Gulping, his tongue began to play with the gap between his teeth, an unconscious action he picked up during his high school years. She clicked away, glancing at the time she spoke quickly and nonchalantly.
"Top floor, Mr. Burr will be awaiting for you." Edd froze for a second. Noding his head his mind reeled as he decided to wait for an empty elevator. Burr... Shaking his head, Edd sighed. He knew there were many other people with Burr as their last name. That last name still sent anxiety, and sorrow throughout his body. Even now, at the age of thirty-three. He took a deep breath as the elevator music played softly. Thankfully only a couple of people entered the elevator, still, Edd pressed himself into a corner. It only took a couple of minutes before he reached the top floor. Edd stared at the door at the end of the hall as he walked down. He passed by an empty desk, in which he assumed was for the secretary. He hopped today would finally be the day he'd get a job. Knocking on the door he heard a gruff,
"Come in." The voice was muffled, but something about it worried Edd. Still, he took a deep breath and entered. Closing the door behind him, he froze just a step away from it at the sight before him.

          Kevin Burr sat at a mahogany desk, a computer to his left and a pile of paperwork next to him. He was scribbling swiftly, not even lifting his eyes to meet Edd's.
"Are you applying for our open position?" Goodness, Edd couldn't help but feel his heart race. The voice was definitely Kevin's, but it was deeper, and sounded almost like a rumble in his chest. Or a purr, either way it sent tidal waves of mixed emotions throughout his lanky body. The biggest one being sorrow. Edd bite his lips and took a calming breath.
"Yes." The scribbling promptly stopped. A second passed before what felt like a million. Kevin continued to scribble, still not bothering to glance at Edd. Edd, sadly, felt a twinge of pain shoot through his heart. It felt like a train smashed into him, no, a bullet was shot through his heart. He bit his bottom lip and waited patiently for Kevin to finish the paper before him. Placing onto, what Edd assumed, a completed pile of paperwork he looked up. Edd felt his heart racing once more when those emerald eyes shot through his soul. They were even more beautiful than before, their color darker. Kevin smiled, though the warmth never reached his eyes.
"What brings you here today, Mr. Vincent?" Edd held back a grimace at the slight snap. He could tell, positively, that Kevin hasn't forgiven him for his previous actions. Nor can he blame him, he himself still hasn't forgiven himself for his atrocious actions.
"I am here to partake in a position, as secretary within this company." With his words out, Edd had to pat his back for not allowing his voice to crack. A flick of anger flashed through Kevin's eyes before he smiled wider, again, his eyes felt cold and distant.
"Of course, please sit, we'll discuss this swiftly, as you see I have plenty of work to accomplish." Edd nodded, sitting down as asked. He had to admit, even though Kevin obviously hates Edd, Edd couldn't help but stare. The young boy Kevin once was was replaced with a man. The bull cut was replaced with longer strands that were slicked back, a couple strands of loose orange hair danced in front of his sharp eyes. Edd bit his lips and looked down at his hands. Now trying to avoid staring at his broad chest, the white button up shirt hugged it beautifully, while a red vest hugged his lower torso. A black suit jacket hung on the back of his chair.

          "Based on your resume, the only job you have is a clerk at a hospital. Even then, this work, I'm sure as you know, is quite different. As my secretary, your duties consist answering calls, filing documents to our sister and brother corporations, listing and labeling documents for them, as well as a myriad of other duties." Edd listened, he gripped his hands tightly in his lap to prevent them from quivering. As Kevin talked, he stared directly at Edd, giving him no room to breath. "Even as a clerk for a hospital, you have nothing else that I can use to determine if you fit this role." The final words stung like Kevin kicked him in the gut. He understood what was happening, by all means, Edd was not ignorant to the fact that Kevin was ticked off by the past. Though, Kevin still upheld his duty as the CEO of the company and was trying to treat Edd as an applicant rather than himself. Still, Edd could feel Kevin's anger spilling into his voice. Gulping Edd spoke softly, this his voice was beginning to crack.
"I assure you, though I lack a proper resume, that I am qualified to work within this company. As well as meeting company standards. As well, as your own." He knew that wasn't going to fix anything, but perhaps it would help win him into this position. It was cruel, yes, trying to use his previous knowledge of Kevin to increase his possibility of getting this job, but Edd is desperate, and needs a job before he become homeless. If it means undercutting, then he must feel horrible in order to do so.
"Are you sure about that?" Kevin asked, causing Edd to freeze. That response wasn't one he expected, but it certainly did make him blush as dirty thoughts filled his mind. Kevin smirked, enjoyment filled his eyes when he knew he caught Edd at the right moment. Edd knew the question was nothing more than a confirmation of his statement, but still. Taking a deep breath he looked Kevin in the eyes and responded with as bold a voice he could,
"Of course."

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