A Week Away

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Edd frowned as Kevin packed his bags. Kevin wasn't too excited himself, but both of them knew he couldn't miss this since it is work related.
"It'll only be a week," Kevin mumbled as he finished packing his last bag.
"I will miss you." Edd mumbled. Only a month had passed since the party, and during that time, Kevin and Edd had become inseparable. Now, out of the blue, Kevin has to leave for a business trip with another group of CEOs to discuss the future plans with their growing businesses.
"I'll be relying on you, Kevin spoke softly as he sat down next to Edd, he pulled him into a hug. "Shit, I wish I didn't have to go," Kevin scoffed upset.
"Me as well" Edd added. A knock on the door ended their hug. Sighing, Kevin kissed Edd, rolling his tongue against Edd's lips, Edd obediently opened, their kissing interrupted by another knock. Edd blushed as Kevin got up and gathered his bags. Leaning down he whispered,
"I'll call you at night. So wait for me." With that Kevin exited the house leaving a dumbfounded, embarrassed and horny Edd by himself.

Four days had passed since Kevin left for his trip. Edd waited for the call, but didn't receive one; not yet at least. Stacking the papers together, Edd made a couple of calls to clients before cleaning up and leaving the building. The ride on the bus didn't take long before he was back at their house. Entering, he took a quick shower before making himself a sandwich. Watching tv and eating, Edd continued to glance at his phone. He did for the rest of the day until he laid in bed by nine. He rolled around for an hour before the long awaited call arrived. Answering swiftly, Edd sat up when Kevin's deep voice spoke,
"Sorry. I know it's late, but I couldn't wait anymore." Edd gulped, his face burning a bright red.
"I waited, like you asked." He mumbled, the sound of Kevin's chuckling sent a chill down his spine. Edd wondered how he went so long without Kevin, Kevin wondered the same thing.
"I miss you," Kevin mumbled, his voice rumbling in his chest. Edd sighed softly, a small smile spread across his face.
"I miss you as well. I wish you were here, with me."
"Same." Kevin mumbled. "So, you waited for me?" Edd gulped,
"Good, touch yourself, slowly." Edd blushed, but, obediently, did as told. He slowly touched himself, closing his eyes he gasped as ripples of pleasure went through his body.
"Kevin.." he murmured his name, a chuckle slipped past Kevin's lips as he listened to Edd's gentle groans.
"Stop that, take your pants off and get onto your knees." He did as told, though he did stop momentarily to put earbuds in, hooking them into his phone. Now on his knees he asked,
"Wha-what now?" With a shaky voice.
"Get the lube and tease yourself. Don't hold any noises back." Edd grabbed the bottle and popped it open. Wetting his finger he gently entered one, a soft gasp escaping his lips as he moved it slowly. His mind drifted to the images of Kevin above him, kissing his shoulder before bitting down. His long fingers would move in and out of him. With that image running in his mind, he groaned, a long moan slipping past his lips shortly after. He could hear some softer groans coming from Kevin, sending shivers throughout Edd. Using another finger, he teased himself, his breath and voice hitched as he shivered.
"Play with your dick, slowly. I don't want this to end yet," Kevin ordered through gritted teeth. Edd did as obeyed. Slowly he teased his member, toying with it steadily. He moaned long for Kevin, he groaned annoyed as he jerked himself off slowly.
"Be patient," Kevin spoke, forcing Edd to contain himself. "Tell me what are you thinking." Edd gasped as he inserted another finger into himself.
"Y-your here, your fing-mmm-fingers are deep inside me. Ahh, I wish you were here! You'd be so deep inside me." He groaned, wishing he could speed up. Of course, he continued the slow torturous movements. Kevin growled, pleased with Edd's response.
"I would love to fuck you. I'd go as deep as I could," Edd moaned, buckling his hips forward.
"Can- may I speed up? Please..." he begged through shaking lips.
"Cum for me, Edd." Edd speed up, thrusting his hips forward. He thrust his fingers in and out of his ass quickly, the pleasure increasing, his cries and moans following suit.
"Ke-Ahhh!" Edd cried out as he came on the bedsheets. Kevin grunted soon after, his own release sweet. Both of them breathed as they calmed down. Edd started to drift off to sleep. Kevin seemed to notice this,
"I'll be back soon. I love you," Kevin mumbled as Edd fell asleep. His dreams filled with Kevin.

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