Moving Day

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The next Saturday rolled around quickly. The whole week Edd was working he had noticed that Kevin was toying with him more. Sometimes he'd smirk at Edd whenever he asked for help, which both of them knew he didn't need. Or he'd stare at Edd, only to smile devilishly when Edd turned a pure red and forgot how to speak completely. Thankfully, Edd didn't hate it, yes it flustered him, but knowing that Kevin was relaxing around him was comforting. Perhaps he really can somewhat make up for the past. Sighing, Edd tapped his box of books, using a label to organize them. His house was cleaned three times in the living room and bathroom, all of his items, as of now, were boxed up. Hearing a knock on the door, Edd got up, excited to see Kevin so soon.

The landlord stood at his door, arms crossed with annoyance.
"Kept me waiting long enough," he snidely commented as he entered the apartment.
"Might I inquire what you are here for? I have yet to move out fully."
"I'm here for inspection."
"Mr. Tuner, I have yet to move. This seems unfair," the landlord glared at Edd, making him freeze, he hated conflict so he stayed quiet, allowing the landlord to do his inspection. As the landlord explored, writing on a clipboard, there was another knock on the door. Edd opened it, to see Kevin, who entered after Edd moved aside.
"Mr. Turner, my landlord, is currently doing his inspection." Edd apologized as he began to shuffle boxes around, picking up heavier ones first, to place in the back of the U-hall, Kevin picked them up before Edd could deny the offer. Kevin grabbed the box from Edd's hands, their skin touching sent electricity through the thin male. Blushing, Kevin chuckled as he and Edd began moving the items. Thankfully, since the apartment was so small, it only took half an hour to officially move everything to the Uhall. Edd had to admit when they re-entered he was bothered that Mr. Turner remained the whole half hour they worked. Edd breathed somewhat ragged. He was really out of shape, compared to Kevin who barely broke a sweat. Still, Edd couldn't lie and say he didn't watch Kevin as he worked, his muscles flexing under the tight, white shirt. It was a sight he liked to see.

Mr. Turner frowned as he checked over the clipboard.
"They're some repairs that will need to be done,"
"Might you be willing to show me?" Edd asked, his breathing finally caught up. Mr. Turner scoffed, but began to show Edd the plumbing problems in the restroom as Kevin waited in the living room.
"Mr. Turner, I have had those problems since arriving at this establishment. I find it somewhat rude that you ignore me as I say I have had them since moving in?" Mr. Turner laugh, the sound disgusting as his chest rumbled. A sick smile curled over his yellow lips from smoking.
"I don't remember this being a problem, unless you decided to have fun in here and ruin-"
"Mr. Turner!" Edd exclaimed, his face reddening with annoyance. "What occurs in my life has nothing to do with the problems within my residence."
"This isn't your residence no more,"
"Anymore," Edd said, offended that this man would suggest he made the problems. Smirking, Mr. Turner played on his anger, finding it amusing to torture Edd.
"Sure, you still owe." Walking out of the room, Edd stayed in the bathroom, calming down as best as he could before leaving. Kevin opened his mouth to speak, but Edd grabbed his hand and dragged him out. Kevin didn't fight back, no, he was busy wondering what happened. Considering the landlord exited with a shit eating grin, Kevin assumed he was sucking more money out of Edd. Entering the U-Hal, Kevin drove it, the ride deafening as Edd stayed silent, trying to calm down.

With all of the boxes in his room, Edd rolled his shoulder. Kevin chuckled, thinking of a way to tease the other. Gently running his hand down Edd's back, the smaller male shivered, his face turning red as Kevin started to message his shoulders. Edd leaned his head forward, blushing as he enjoyed the pressure against his shoulders. It seemed to have ended as soon as it began, Edd held back a groan as Kevin left the room, smirking at Edd as he left. Blushing, Edd situated his room as best he could before calling it a day. Thankfully, he did get all of his clothing taken care of. Undressing, he pulled on a pair of black fuzzy shorts, along with an oversized black shirt. Yawning, Edd exited his room now hungry after the stressful day. Apparently Kevin had the same idea, as the scent of pasta and seafood filled the house.
"My, that smells amazing, Kevin." Edd smiled warmly at Kevin before sitting on the couch. Kevin looked at the food. He held back a sigh as he didn't realize Edd would wear that to sleep. Most of his skin showing, teasing. Clearing his throat, he asked Edd to turn on the tv. Edd did as asked and put on a baking competition to fill the house with noise. They stayed silent for a couple minutes before Edd spoke up,
"I did not know you could cook." Kevin chuckled at the wide eyed man who stared at him innocently.
"I can do a lot you don't know about," his smile was warm as he moved over to the couch, allowing the pasta to cook. Edd blushed as he looked at the TV, trying to focus on it.
"It smells good," Edd whispered, Kevin smirking at his response.

After a pleasant dinner, the two sat on a couch and watched a random movie. Edd laughed somewhat throughout the B movie. Kevin smirked after Edd's fourth giggle.
"Not scary enough for ya'?"
"You, Kevin, it is not scary enough for you." Edd smiled at Kevin, his eyes twinkling with laughter. Kevin had to look away before he attacked Edd and kissed him forcefully. The idea was nice, but he decided against it, enjoying this cat and mouse they started. Of course, he's the cat. He knew that sooner or later he'd trap Edd, and consume him whole.
"Here, how about this." Putting Paranormal Activity one on, the only good one in his opinion, he sat back and relaxed. Kevin smirked when he heard a small squeak from Edd when a scary scene occurred. Cute, he thought to himself, enjoying the sound. As the movie went on, he looked over at Edd, he had pushed himself down into the couch, holding one of the pillows to hide behind during a scary scene. Reaching over, Kevin plucked the pillow out of Edd's hands. Edd got up on his knees and crawled over to Kevin. Reaching up for it, a slight blush spread across Kevin's cheeks when he saw Edd's ass. He gulped, looking at the male's face. He looked somewhat panicked, but his cheeks were also glowing red when he looked at Kevin. Staring at one another, Kevin lowered the pillow onto the couch. He let the pillow go, tilting Edd's face up towards his own. Edd blushed and closed his eyes. Kevin leaned down, stopping just a mere centimeter in front of Edd's lips. Moving back, he pressed the pillow into Edd's face, earning a grunt from the other. Watching the movie again he felt Edd move back to his spot. Kevin glanced at him, Edd held a slight frown, as his fingers fiddled with the pillow.

As the movie ended, Edd smiled and got up.
"I believe I will be going to bed. I hope you sleep well, Kevin." With that Edd went up to his bedroom. Kevin sighed, somewhat upset with himself. Turning the TV off, he decided to get some sleep as well.

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