Good Night?

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Edd stood still, allowing Kevin to help him straighten his tie. Edd stared at Kevin's face, swearing he would never get old of seeing such a handsome man. He smiled sweetly, not even noticing when Kevin looked at him, his own lips curling into a smile.
"Am I that handsome?" He questioned as he ruffled Edd's hair from beneath his beanie.
"Yes, you are." Edd answered honestly, not one bit scared to be honest with Kevin.
"Really, perhaps I should become a model." He stepped back and made a funny pose, earning a loud laugh from the other. Wiping his tears away, Kevin placed his hand on the base of Edd's back, both of them heading downstairs to make the final preparations for the night's upcoming events. Once finished, the two went outside and entered Kevin's car. Edd, by this point, was wringing his hands together, his face contorted into one of discomfort. Kevin reached down and kissed him deeply, drawing Edd into a moment of comfort.
"Perhaps I'll kiss you all night to keep you in check. Or, I could grab your ass, if that helps." Edd turned a tomato red as Kevin pulled out.
"Kevin! My goodness!" He snapped, not full heartedly trying to be mean. Kevin just laughed as they drove through the busy streets.

Entering a fancy mansion, Edd held back the want to grab Kevin's arm and hold him close. Of course, Kevin noticed Edd's trepidation and placed a hand onto the base of his back. Edd looked at Kevin and smiled, breathing deeply to relax himself as best as he could. Moving from small group to group, Edd actually began to relax. All the other CEOs were very kind to him, and all of them seemed to be enjoying themselves. It helped that Edd sipped some wine, helping to ease him a little more. Soon, Edd was chuckling and discussing prospects of standards within companies. Kevin and Edd laughed about, joking with one another. Sipping from his second glass now, Kevin excused himself for a moment to use the restroom. Edd walked around, smiling and chuckling as he grabbed a plate and nibbled on some food. Finished with his snack, and waiting for Kevin to return he headed to the balcony. The cool air was nice, Edd, for once in a long time, was exited for his birthday to come. Kevin and he would hang out. Edd wouldn't be alone, and that made him immensely happy.

"Room for one more?" Edd glanced behind him as Nate joined him on the balcony. Edd said nothing, sipping from his glass, both men stayed silent.
"So, you're dating Kevin now," the green haired male snidely commented.
"Yes, I am." Edd responded calmly. He wasn't upset about Nate's anger. Kevin and he had talked about Nate one day. Apparently, after Edd left, Kevin had decided to go to college. Nate became his roommate when he first entered. They became roommates for the next couple of years Kevin was at college. Sometime afterwards they began to date. Edd remembered what Kevin told him,
"Nate stayed by my side. I truly thought he was a good friend, so I leaned on him. We ended up getting closer from there on." It hurt Edd to hear, but Edd never held it against Kevin. Kevin was alone too, and he wanted someone near him as much as Edd did. Edd just never got the gulls to fully date someone without it being just a single date. No kisses, no sex, nothing other than one or two dates. Either way, the relationship fell through when they finished college. Kevin entered a company and towed his way to the top, while Nate turned to drugs and sex when their relationship soured. It began with fights, turning into long drawn arguments that lasted days. Kevin told Edd,
"One day we got into a fight, it lasted a week, and when we finally talked again, I told Nate I was done. I couldn't handle the stress on top of my growing work load. Even though we broke up, I still give him money. I've seen him go through withdrawals. It's like watching someone die. I'd never like to see it again." Kevin and Edd talked long about the situation, Edd pushing Kevin to stop helping while Kevin listened before giving his side. Edd had to admit, after hearing all of it, he felt sympathy for Nate. He's just trying to survive in a cruel world like the rest of the human race. He just decided to take a different route than Kevin.

"It won't last long," Nate said spitefully. "I was with Kevin for a long time. You left him, he'll come back for me." Finishing his glass, Edd left for a moment and grabbed two more glasses. Handing one to Nate, the green haired male stared at him.
"That is up to Kevin. I made my mistakes, I am lucky he has allowed me to be in his life again."
"Why did you leave?" Nate asked just as Kevin began to enter the balcony. Stepping back, Kevin stayed silent as he listened to their conversation.
"I was scared." Edd said mournfully. "Kevin was determined to go with me, his persistence was scary." Edd chuckled, Nate and Kevin listened intently. "I did not want to ruin his chances at becoming a football player, or having to leave his mother and father."
"Heh, that's a stupid reason." Edd chuckled at Nate's response. Drinking his wine he sighed,
"I was scared for him."
"Sure." Nate scoffed at Edd. Swinging his wine he continued, "just wait, Kevin will be back with me before you know it." Edd smiled softly. The way Kevin looks at him, the way he smiles and everything else swam through his mind.
"I'll be here, waiting for him." Nate was gone by this point, replaced with Kevin.
"I don't think you'll have to worry about me leaving any time soon." Edd giggled as he leaned back into Kevin's chest.
"Can we go home, I would like to spend the rest of my night with you." Kevin smirked, his eyes glossed over devilishly.
"Of course," he purred as he gently dragged Edd out of the party. Nate was in the corner of the room, drinking himself into a depressive stupor.

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