Stinging Pain

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          Eddy straightened his jacket once more. Putting two small bottles of hand sanitizer into his pocket, he grabbed the two organizers, Manila envelopes, pencils, pens, an assortment of colored sticky notes as well as labels and a label gun. Putting them into a box, he headed outside to wait for his bus. Clambering on, he sat down and tried not to shiver in disgust. Thankfully, this bus was better than the one the prior day. It helped that the ride wasn't too far and he was at work half an hour early. The perfect amount of time for him to set up before being trained into the position. Unfortunately, or fortunately, he was being trained by Kevin, as he's been doing the work of his secretary since she quite on the spot. Edd wondered why, but didn't bother to ask. It wasn't his business. Entering the building, he went up to the top floor and started preparing his desk by cleaning it twice. Setting his items up, he turned the computer on, both screens booted up quickly. Using the information he did have, he signed into it and figured out where everything was. Pulling out his notepad and a pen, he began to write down notes.

          "Mr. Vincent, good morning. Glad to see you arrived on time." Kevin spoke coldly, no smile on his lips as he exited his office. Before Edd could respond, Kevin continued, "come, I have a lot to teach you before the end of today." Edd got up and followed Kevin. His broad back and tall height made Edd's heart race. Tugging his tie gently, he breathed deeply, trying to calm down. There was nothing to be worried about. Right?

          An alarm began ringing on Kevin's phone, signaling lunch. He turned it off and sighed, stretching, a couple pops came from his muscles. Edd stood up, stretching his legs with a gentle sigh.
"Is there any questions before lunch?" Edd looked at him, unable to stop himself he chuckled softly, smiling at Kevin he shook his head.
"I am positive everything has been catalogued properly. If I come up with any questions I shall bring them to you." With that Kevin dismissed him with the wave of his hand. Edd left, closing the door quietly behind him. Frowning, he covered his mouth, wondering why that made him laugh. It wasn't a joke, nor was it funny whatsoever. Blushing Edd walked to his desk to grab lunch, but stopped when the elevator door opened. Standing still he waited until a tall man stood in front of him. He looked like a classy fellow. He wore a Rolex watch, three golden rings embedded with diamond, a tailor fitted blue suit with thin black stripes and clean leather shoes. The guy looked at him, giving a better view of his facial features. Strong jaw, narrow golden eyes and a thin sharp nose. The most stand out thing about the gentleman was his dyed teal hair, and dyed eyebrows. He stared at Edd, before Edd nodded his head and smiled politely.
"Salutations, I am afraid that you have arrived a moment too late sir. As Mr. Burr is on break." The green haired male stepped forward, forcing Edd to step back, hitting the back of his desk, he gripped it and bent backward as the stranger now leaned over him.
"We'll, I must say," he began, his voice cheerfully, "aren't you a cutie. Where did Kevin find you?" The male reached a hand out to touch Edd's check. Edd ducked underneath him before the other could do anything. Freaking out slightly, Edd grabbed his notepad and pen,
"I will take your name, sir, as well as your request for a meeting." He waited patiently for a response, but instead got a laugh out of him.
"Call me Nate, I'm Kevin's boyfriend. " he smirked, winking before heading into the room, leaving a dumb founded Edd to stand listlessly by his desk. Edd stood still for a moment before sitting down numbly. He has no reason to be upset, he left. He ran away, not wanting Kevin to ruin his chance of becoming a professional football player. Looking out the window, a heavy pain spread throughout his chest. Bitting his lip he could hear laughing from the room across from him. Looking down, he fiddled with his computers, the hour drifted by slowly before it was finally time to head back. Getting up he tossed his lunch away and knocked on the door. Smiling softly, he nodded his head when Nate opened them.
"Perfect timing, have fun. See ya' babe!" Nate left humming. Kevin shook his head,
"Fucking idiot." Edd flinched when Kevin glared at him, shrinking into himself, he stayed in place until Kevin ushered him to come closer. Sitting down next to Kevin, they went back to training. Glancing at Kevin every so often he felt a pain in his chest. It didn't let down even as the day ended. Kevin sighed, resting back against his chair. He wouldn't say it, but he was annoyed. He has a lot of extra work, since he has to train Edd, but he knows Edd would remember it in one go, compared to anyone else. So he sacrificed a day to fully train him.

          "Mr. Victor, do you have a phone?" Edd looked at Kevin and nodded his head.
"Is it a work phone?"
"No sir. I can use it as one, if you wish sir." Kevin hated being called sir, but he let it go, allowing it for the sake of being professional.
"I would like to give you my business numbers, I will need you to stay in contact." Pulling his own personal phone out, Kevin began to open his phone to start the transferring process. Edd did the same, holding his phone at just the right angle so Kevin's couldn't see his empty contact list. With a ding, the exchange was complete. Edd pushed his into his pocket after everything was completed. Looking at the time, he realized he needed to clean his desk before leaving.
"I wish you a good night sir." Edd said smiling curtly, though Kevin read right through him. He knew Edd was upset, he was unsure why, but he let it be. He wanted to keep his distance as far as he could from Edd. Edd stopped at the doors, before opening them he turned around and looked at the floor, about to ask a question. He hesitated but forced himself to ask.
"Umm.. was that m- Nate, your boyfriend." Kevin looked at Edd, his eyes blank, but a smile threatened to spread across his face. He couldn't lie and say he loved this, Edd really looked hurt, but he couldn't say Edd didn't deserve it either.
"Let me remind you, Mr. Victor," Edd looked at Kevin, watching as he got up and gathered his things. Tossing it over his shoulder, he stopped next to Edd who looked up at him, the warm sun hitting them perfectly. Still, Kevin pushed it aside, Edd may be cute, but that didn't resolve the past. "You left." With that simple statement he left, leaving Edd to stand in the now empty room.

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