Forgotten Accident

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The next couple of weeks had passed calmly. Kevin and Edd had small moments where their hands would touch, or they would find themselves staring at one another, whenever in the same room. Edd found himself intentionally trying to get closer to Kevin, wanting to be near him. Kevin, on the other hand, found himself enjoying Edd's attempts. Sometimes, if he was busy he answered or did what needed to be done swiftly. If he had some time to spare, or wanted to see Edd become flustered, which was more often than not. Kevin helped Edd, he trudging through whatever questions Edd had made up, some of them he knew were simple, but he still went through with asking.

          Sitting at his desk, Edd felt his heart pounding in his chest. He held his hand against his chest as the time rolled by him, his lunch break coming to an end. Kevin's warmth lingered on his skin. He would've swore a hole burned into his skin from where he was touched. We'll, more like bumped into. Hearing the elevator open, Edd glanced to the side, sitting up straight he clutched his hand in his lap, putting on a small smile as his lunch officially came to an end. Nate smirked at Edd, the smaller male held his smile, even though he definitely knew how to handle this situation differently.

          "Salutation," Edd said gently. "I apologize, bu-"
"He'll see me. I'm his boyfriend, remember." Edd held back the urge to flinch.
"I apologize," he started again, truly not wanting a repeat of the last situation.
"I told you," Nate smiled, but his tone snapped and his eyes started to show annoyance. "I am going in to see him." Edd got up and rushed over, standing in front of the doors he prevented Nate from entering. The green haired male frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. Edd became suspicious upon seeing a cold sweat run down Nate's face. It didn't help when he could tell Nate was shivering, though he was trying to hide it.
"Mr. Burr is busy with work, as of this moment. I must insist that you leave him be, please. I can help make an appointment if you do wish to discuss matters with Mr. Burr." Nate closed his eyes, chuckling softly.
"I see, then let's say hello together, right?" Before Edd could even process what he said, Nate picked Edd up, tossing him over his shoulder, getting a yelp from the male. Kicking the door, it flew open,
"Hello Darling!" Nate exclaimed, happily tossing Edd onto the floor. Edd groaned and clutched his side when his body landed with a thud against the cold wood.

          "What the fuck!" Kevin snapped, dashing across his desk, he headed towards Edd, but Nate stopped him.
"He wouldn't let me see you! Isn't a boyfriend allowed to see you during work?" Kevin glared at Nate,
"We've not dated for five years now. I will never do it again, now move on." Pushing Nate's hand away from him, Kevin helped Edd sit up. Edd gripped his side and head, pain shot through his body as he curled his legs into his chest.  "It's time to leave Nate."
"You owe me Kevin. I'm not leaving yet." Kevin frowned, getting up he opened his wallet and tossed five one hundred dollar bills to Nate, who picked them up. Nate left in silence, leaving Kevin and Edd alone. Kevin picked Edd up and sat him down onto a chair. Pushing Edd's suit jacket off, Edd groaned as Kevin started to unbutton his white shirt. Edd would have enjoyed this more if it wasn't for the pounding in his head, and aching on his side.

"Where is the pain?" Kevin asked, his hands running along Edd's side gently. Edd grimaced as Kevin the the spot. "Here," he watched Edd's face to determine how big the bruise was. Getting up, Kevin grabbed a plastic bag he had next to his small fridge. Filling it with ice, he wrapped a thin cloth around it. Heading back he placed it onto Edd's side, the younger male watched Kevin move around the room. Kevin handed Edd some ibuprofen and a water bottle, which he already opened. Taking them, Edd mumbled a thank you.

Kevin was furious, to say the least. Nate was rash, he always was, but he didn't expect this. He's getting worse... feeling eyes staring at him, Kevin looked into Edd's blue eyes. Their depths captured him, staring at one another, Kevin caught himself. Getting up, he headed to his desk to make a phone call. Edd's mouth opened, then closed. Though in pain, he felt upset. He wished Kevin hadn't walked away. Gulping, Edd looked around, he had seen the room enough to know it, but the sunlight dancing on his keychain. Getting up, Edd wandered over to the keychain. His face scrunched up when he noticed the keychain. Picking it up, Kevin ended the phone call and glanced at Edd. Edd touched the stupid little keychain. It was a simple jawbreaker, with a label on it saying, 'Dork's Property'.
"I found it at your house after you left," Kevin said staring at Edd. Edd frowned, placing the keychain down, he stepped away.
"I've been looking for it," was all he could say without breaking down.
"We'll, you can't have it." Kevin hated saying it, but he didn't feel like giving it back. Yes, it's a painful memory, but it also reminds him of the good memories. Edd chuckled weakly as he removed the ice pack and buttoned his shirt up.
"I understand." He mumbled, upset that he couldn't get it back. That keychain meant everything to him, but he also understood why Kevin refused to give it to him. Pulling his jacket on, Edd held back a groan of discomfort as he finished redressing.
"Go home today, get some rest," Kevin spoke gently, the tinge of pain in his voice sent pain through Edd's chest.
"Thank you, Sir." Edd left, not wanting to say anything more. His heart hurt and his head and side ached.

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