Immediate Change

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"Come on, Eddward, it's not that bad! It's only a four hundred dollar increase!" Edd quivered in his seat, a cold sweat ran down his back as he bite his lip.
"I am already paying eight-hundred dollars, Mr. Turner."
"You're working at that new place, that big business, aren't ya." The landlord snapped, his eyes full of happiness as he bluntly shoved this horrible information into Edd's face. Edd shook his head.
"I can not do that, I apologize, but I will need to end my lease." Mr. Turner frowned.
"Fine, you have thirty days to find a new place." With that, Edd got up and left, his shaky legs dragging him home. Sitting on the couch, he shook his head and instantly went on his phone, looking for an apartment for rent.

A couple of hours had passed, and no luck. Edd found a couple of places, but upon calling them his mind was swiftly changed due to the prices, or situations the apartments were in. He continued to look, but it seemed to be a loosing battle. Looking for a roommate, six-hundred dollars a month, this includes utilities. Must be willing to share money on food, as well as be clean, and taking care of messes made by yourself. The ad struck out to Edd, not including the cheap rent. That was surprising, but definitely caught his eye. Dialing the number, Edd didn't bother to look at much else, he was in a desperate situation and hoped he could catch this deal before it was taken.
"Hello," the warm baritone voice rumbled in Edd's ears. The sound of Kevin's morning voice shook him to his core, especially since it was groggy. Edd's mind jumped right into the image of seeing a half naked Kevin waking up. His orange hair messy, his eyes half lidded. He was probably combing his hair with his long fingers, Edd gulped, trying to control his growing member and pounding heart.
"Hello," Edd spoke softly, hoping Kevin didn't realize it was him. Of course, his luck ran short today.
"Edd? What are you calling for," Kevin yawned slightly, the sound missed by Edd who blushed brightly.
"Umm... your ad." Edd wanted to slap his face as his voice quivered. He bit his lip as he heard,
"Mm, oh. Yea, are you looking to rent here?" The calmness in his voice eased Edd a little. He was positive Kevin would've either hung up on him, or outright tell him no.
"Yes..." Edd waited patiently, his heart pounded in his chest, bitting his lip he stared at his knees nervously.
"Ahh, do you want to see the apartment?" Kevin asked, still somewhat tired from taking his short nap.
"Yes please," Edd spoke quickly.
"Give me your address, I'll pick you up in an hour." Upon getting the address, Kevin hung up and rubbed his eyes. Yawning he got up to take a shower, and make a cup of coffee.

Edd sat still, moving his phone, he placed it onto his side table. Blushing he realized he was still hard, of course, it didn't help that Kevin's voice continued to ring in his mind. Gulping, Edd closed his eyes and rubbed himself through his pants. He groaned as the material rubbed against his member. Edd felt filthy as he pulled his pants off and stroked himself slowly, he has some time, so he needs to take care of himself. Laying down on the couch, he bit his lip, his face a pure red as he licked some of his fingers and entered one slowly. Shivering, he continued to stroke himself, his hand gripping his member in a firmer grasp. Entering another finger, Edd released a soft cry. He moved them in and out, jerking off to the same tempo. His mind raced as he imagined Kevin over him, his member deep inside Edd, his voice rumbling in his ear. Moving faster, Edd felt the tightening in his stomach, the feeling torturous and yet pleasing. Closing his eyes, Edd thrust his hips back, pushing his fingers as far as he could. He was positive Kevin's fingers could reach, pressing all the right spots to make him cry. Gasping for air, Edd shivered as he came thickly onto the couch. Catching his breath he felt disgusting, but proceeded to clean his couch, as well as himself.

          A soft knock on the door notified Edd that Kevin had arrived. Opening the door he exited, locking his apartment door.
"I'm surprised," Kevin said as he glanced around the crappy apartment complex. "I assumed you lived in a house by now." Edd blushed, his mind quickly flashing through earlier, darn mind.
"Yes, well, plans change all the time. Unfortunately mine must change now."
"Why?" Kevin asked as they boarded in his car. Getting comfortable, as comfortable as he could around Kevin, Edd spoke softly.
"My landlord has decided that since I am occurring more money to increase my rent. I am already paying eight-hundred dollars. I can not afford the extra four-hundred he wishes me to pay."
"I see." Was Kevin's only response.

          The drive was quiet, with the exception of the AC, which blasted frigid air onto Kevin and Edd. It was nice compared to the growing heat outside. Edd knew it wouldn't stay hot this long, with fall around the corner he was excited to see the leaves change color and the wind become cool. Edd was drawn out of his thoughts as they pulled into a large driveway in front of a huge house. His eyes were wide as they exited the car and entered the house.
"My goodness, Kevin." He spoke breathlessly as he explored the living room before entering a hallway to explore a fancy kitchen. Hearing Edd's breathy voice, Kevin felt a tinge of pride spread through his chest. He almost wished his older classmates were here to gawk at his house as well. He knew no one would have expected him to live in such a huge house. It gave him a large swell of pride seeing Edd's face as he explored, heading upstairs to see the room he'd be renting. Kevin followed, somewhat happy he didn't turn Edd down. Then again, he didn't want to. With Edd living here, Kevin wondered if he'd be able to bring them closer. Over the time of Edd working with him, he'd watch as Edd became more brazen and was truly trying to get closer to him. Perhaps this would be the push he needs to get him swept over his feet again. Though, just seeing Edd made his heart a wreck. He seemed to turn into a teen again. Honestly, Kevin didn't mind though.
"You are only charging six-hundred, correct?" Edd asked as they traversed to the living room.
"Yeah, I'm mainly looking for someone to kill time with," Edd blushed, making Kevin smirk. Kevin leaned against a wall as he watched Edd. His large eyes glowed with a soft happiness that Kevin hadn't seen in a very long time. He enjoyed the look.
"Would it be possible for me to kill your time?" Eddy blushed, wringing his fingers together, the question making Kevin laugh. Walking over to the other, he teased him, getting close to his ear and whispering,
"When do you want to move in?"

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