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          The drive was quiet, Kevin had turned the music on in his car, Edd assumed it was because the silence was suffocating them. The ride was a two hour ride, but Kevin knew he could make it in one. He did slow down a bit for Edd, but upon hitting a stop light, he looked over to see that Edd had fallen asleep. His chest rose slowly, his lips ever so slightly patted. He looked beautiful. Especially in that stupid sweater. Honestly he had forgotten the over sized sweater he had bought Edd while they were dating. He was glad that Edd still had it, he knew he shouldn't care, but he couldn't help but feel pleased upon the sight of Edd wearing it. Gulping, he could feel his heart racing. He knows he's isn't a teenager, but the pride that swelled in his chest was impossible to ignore.

          Upon arriving at the farm, Kevin let Edd sleep, he kept his car running so the ac could cool him down in this hot weather. He finished the work as quickly as he could, though, of course, Mr. Tupet kept him there for what felt like ever. With his signature, and Kevin's, the contract was renewed. Heading to the car, Kevin slowed down when he spotted Edd awake, standing in front of Mr. Tupet's sunflower field. Staring at him, memories of when Kevin first fell in love for the softer male hit like a train.

          "What a stupid fuckin' trip." Highschooler Kevin kicked the dirt up as the class stood on a farm. He scoffed and followed the class, keeping somewhat on the down-low, wanting to avoid the teachers so he could sneak away from the god awful pep talk from the farmer about stupid cows, or some shit like that. Creeping into a sunflower field, Kevin rushed through, snorting as he thought of his victory. Slowing down, he walked for a moment before sounds of warm humming could be heard. Following the sound, Kevin crouched down, ready to beat the shit out of anyone who threatened to tell on him. Popping his head out slightly he saw Edd in a small clearing of flowers. He was humming a soft tune before sweetly singing it to the flowers. It wasn't the best voice, nor the greatest song, but something in Kevin found it endearing. Kevin tried to take a step closer, but tripped over his own shoe and fell face first onto the dry dirt.
"Oh dear! Kevin!" Edd rushed over to him and helped him up. Thankfully he didn't get hurt too bad, Kevin just got a small cut on his nose, but barely any blood spilled from it. Still, Edd pulled out a clean napkin from his back pocket and dabbed it onto the wound. Kevin stared at Edd the whole time, his green eyes met with blue ones every so often, but he noticed that if he stared long enough, Edd would look away blushing.
"You were singing," Kevin said bluntly, "I didn't know you could sing." Edd blushed even deeper now, his hand wringing together in anxiety.
"Plants, dear Kevin, are like humans. In a sense if we communicate, they will prosper, and become happy. Of course, with nutrients, sunlight and h2O they will also become healthy." Kevin stood up, wiping the dirt off of his pants before standing next to Edd, looking up at the flower before him. It didn't seem different, but he also didn't quite get what Edd was getting at. Soon, Edd began to sing a soft lullaby to it. Kevin watched him, even when a strong wind hit. To Kevin, it was like watching an Angel. Compared to Ed and Eddy, this Edd was always kind and nice, he even talked to Kevin a couple of time apologizing on behalf of his friends. Other than that they haven't had many encounters, but something about this one, even though he didn't understand it, made his heart beat unlike anyone else had.

           Edd softly hummed to these flowers, Kevin watched in silence. He felt like a kid again, his heart fluttered as he watched the older, scrawny male hum softly to the flowers. The same lullaby he sang in front of Kevin spilled from his mouth, this time his voice held a soft richness to it, making the lullaby stand out to Kevin more than before. Walking over to him, Kevin opened the car door, stopping Edd. Edd looked back at Kevin and blushed before looking away. Entering the car, Kevin closed the door and climbed into the passenger side. Neither spoke as they reminisced over the fond memory.

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