Sunday Blues

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          Kevin woke up to the scent of eggs and bacon. Getting up, he groaned. Ruffling his hair he headed downstairs. Edd smiled at him, only to turn a pure red and look back at the food. Kevin took a moment before he chuckled groggily, he hadn't remembered until now that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Chuckling he entered the kitchen, getting plates and cups out.
"Orange juice or milk?" Edd blushed,
"Orange juice, please." Kevin nodded his head, pouring the glasses, he set them at the table. Heading back in, he made some toast, turning around, he grasped Edd's hand and pulled it away from the bacon. Edd looked up at him as a large oil popped.
"Ahh, thank you Kevin." Kevin released Edd's hand, the small male mumbled something incoherent. Plating the rest of the food, the two sat down and ate in silence.
"Might I ask you for a ride today?" Edd asked after sipping his orange juice.
"Sure, where you need to go?" Giving him the directions, Kevin furrowed his brows. Edd glanced at him then looked away, now toying with his food.
"Father and Mother passed away six years ago. I wish to put new flowers on their graves." Kevin said nothing, he felt a twinge of anger. Not towards Edd, but himself. He knew there was no reason too, there was nothing he could do about it.
"What time would you like to head out?" He asked softly.
"Four." Kevin nodded. The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence, as Edd's mind raced over fond and painful memories of them.

          Edd placed a bouquet of roses and sunflowers upon their graves. He knew they wouldn't last long, but he wanted them to have pretty flowers. Edd had always felt conflicted about them. They left for months to a year and usually only returned for a couple of days, sometimes only one day. Clutching his arms, Edd stared solemnly at the grave stones. He looked up when he felt Kevin's hand on his shoulder. Staring at him he smiled softly, though it didn't reach his eyes. Pulling Edd into his arms, Kevin pet his hair gently. He closed his eyes, feeling Edd grip his jacket between his fingers.

          Teenage Edd paced in his room. His mother was downstairs humming while Kevin watched Edd with his eyebrow raised.
"Come on, calm down Dork." Kevin said, getting up he grasped Edd's shoulder, stopping his continuous pacing and mumbling.
"Mother will not be here long. Again." He mumbled, upset. Kevin picked Edd up, tossing him over his shoulder, completely distracting Edd from his train of thought.
"Kevin!" He half shouted. "I was contemplating my dire situation." Kevin chuckled, tossing Edd onto his bed. Climbing next to him, he pulled Edd against his chest, petting his hair underneath his beanie.
"Calm down, Sock Head. She'll be here for you, that's what moms are for." Edd nuzzled into Kevin's chest, breathing his scent of cheap body spray.
"That is not my mother," Edd mumbled, his eyes fluttering close. Kevin chuckled,
"Whatever you say, Double Dork." The silence filled the air as they stayed in place. Edd started to fall asleep when he heard Kevin whisper,
"I love you." Edd smiled, his heart warm. He wished they could stay like this forever. He would be perfectly happy with that.

          Edd pulled away from Kevin. Glancing at the grave stones once more, he started to leave, Kevin following him silently. The ride home was rainy and somber. Edd was tired, but not tired enough to sleep. His chest felt heavy as music filled his ears. Not even the pop beat could bring his spirits up.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kevin asked, bringing Edd out of his mind. Smiling pitifully he asked,
"What is there to discuss?"
"There's a lot to discuss," Kevin added swiftly. "Have you grieved them properly?"
"It has been six years Kevin. I am positive I have grieved properly." Edd didn't mean to sound so annoyed, but something about that question irked him.
"Doesn't sound like it," Kevin said as he parked his car. Edd frowned, getting out of the car, he tried to avoid continuing this conversation. Unlocking the door with the copy of the key, Kevin's swift strides caught up to Edd. Kicking the door closed behind him, Kevin held Edd's arm in a firm grip. Not tight enough to hurt, but strong enough to prevent him from leaving. Edd tried to pull his arm away, only to be pulled back against Kevin's chest. Holding both of his arms now, Kevin held Edd in place.
"This can be considered assault!" Edd snapped, closing his eyes as emotions mixed in his chest.
Kevin said nothing as he guided them to the couch. Sitting down, he pulled Edd onto his lap, still holding the struggling male.
"Ignoring the emotions won't help." Something in Edd snapped,
"We'll, dear sir," he snarled, "it is none of your business! My life is of my own, I do not need you to tell me what to do!" Kevin watched Edd as Edd glared back at him. Kevin could tell he was hitting a sore spot, but he pushed. Kevin felt as if this would be the only way to help Edd.
"Why are you yelling at me?" He asked softly.
"Because you have no right to hold against my will. I do not inquire about your life!"
"You knew everything about me, Edd. I never held anything from you. It may be different now, but I'm not the ignorant kid I was before. You always hide things not wanting to hurt others, or bother them. If I let you go, you'll run away from this problem for the rest of your life. You know it." Edd slowed down, his pulling becoming weaker as he stopped struggling as much. "Talk to me Edd. I'll listen." Kevin whispered, he hated to see Edd in so much pain over unspoken words. When Kevin lost his father it wasn't as painful as others would've assumed. His father beat and abused him, those scars drove Kevin to hate his father. When he passed it was almost like a relief, even though Kevin was in his early twenties. Still, he and his mother grieved, because it was necessary to move on. Edd obviously hadn't. Then again, Kevin felt guilty because Edd was alone. He had no one when they passed, he was sure of it.

          Pulling his arm again, Edd quivered in Kevin's arms. Kevin pulled him closer. Placing his head onto Edd's shoulder he waited patiently.
"I hate them." Edd mumbled, tears streaming down his eyes. "They left me... they did not even care enough about me, they cared for their patients more than their son." He sputtered as tears spilled down his chin. Gently sobbing, Kevin released Edd's hands, turning him on his lap he held him, rubbing his back softly. Crying, Edd shivered, his body jolting as he sobbed loudly. "It is not fair.." he mumbled between cries. Kevin sighed, petting his hair.
"Your parent's loved you."
"How do you know!" Edd gasped between tears, his fingers digging into Kevin's shirt as he curled into a ball on his lap.
"After you ran away, they came sometime afterward. Your mom came over to my house, she was crying, asking where you were. Your father and her started a search, but you were too smart for them, you knew where to hide." Kevin chuckled blandly. "They continued to look for you, they did everything they could before going back to work. They came to the house every month, looking and hoping that you'd return." Edd sniffled as he looked up at Kevin.
"They were looking for me?" Kevin nodded, lifting Edd's face up, Kevin said,
"They waited for you as long as they could. They talked with my mom every time they could." Edd's bottom lip quivered as his heart ached even more.
"I just left them..." Crying louder, Kevin held Edd tightly. Petting his hair he allowed Edd to fall apart in his lap. Kevin was trying to help, but he hated seeing Edd like this. It broke his heart, but he knew it would help Edd. Maybe not with one problem, but perhaps another.

          A couple of hours had passed, the rain and Edd's light snoring echoed in the living room. Edd, though deep asleep, gripped Kevin's shirt tightly, refusing to let him go. Honestly, Kevin didn't want to let him go. He held Edd tightly, petting his hair. His strands soft underneath his fingers. Kevin caressed Edd's cheek with his thumb. Edd's eyebrows scrunched up as he snuggled closer to Kevin. Taking a deep breath of Kevin's scent before calming down in his sleep. Picking him up, Kevin walked up to Edd's room. Laying him down, Kevin tried to get up, but Edd kept a tight grip on his shirt. Groaning, Edd refused to let him go, his brows furrowed as he groaned again. Kevin chuckled, sighing he slipped his and Edd's shoes off, laying down next to him, Edd curled up against him, his legs intertwining into Kevin's. Wrapping his arms around Edd, Kevin kissed his forehead. Kevin slipped his hand under his shirt, Edd's warm skin felt so soft. Placing his head on top of Edd's, Kevin fell into his own deep sleep. In all honesty, it was his best sleep since the night Edd left.

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