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Edd sat on his couch, playing with the pages of a book. He tried to read the page at least five times now, but his mind kept racing over Kevin. He looked so different, but goodness if Kevin hasn't become a man then Edd didn't know what to think. His mind also reeled over that smirk. When they were younger it was a cheeky smirk, something about the smirk Kevin gave now reminded Edd of a predator about to attack his prey. Edd shook his head, he knew it was ridiculous thinking about all of this. He got a job, he'll be making good money soon. Enough to pay bills and relax for a little while. Laying down on his couch, he placed his book on the table. Sighing, he closed his eyes and began to drift into an uncomfortable slumber.

Kevin filed paperwork quickly. He was becoming more accustomed to doing his own secretary work, but was pleased he finally found one. Of course, it had to be fucking Edd. Standing up, Kevin put his jacket on and buttoned the bottom before grabbing his brief case and leaving the building. Getting into his car, he drove home, his mind reeling over why he gave Edd the job. He could have easily said no and had him tossed out. Parking, he got out and entered his house. Tossing his briefcase on his couch his coat, vest and tie followed suit. Edd looked different. Not by much, but there was a difference there. Large eyes, but the color seemed brighter. His lips looked softer than before too. He'd grown somewhat in height too. Compared to Kevin's height of six foot, which was from a surprise growth spurt in his mid twenties, Edd seemed to have become five foot six, perhaps seven. He was unsure. Sitting down, Kevin sighed as anger began to control him. How he wished to scream and yell at him. The memories were painful, but they were nothing he couldn't handle. Still, this one eased it's way into his mind, refusing him rest.

"I can come with you! We can be together," Kevin snapped, his anger getting the better of him, like always. Edd smiled sadly, getting up Kevin could see the college applications spread across Edd's desk. It sent anger throughout him to think that Edd wouldn't allow him to join him to wherever he went. Kevin could find a job and take care of the apartment while Edd is at college. It wasn't a bad idea, and yet Edd kept saying no because Kevin had football. Kevin was drawn out of his mind when a soft hand touched his. Edd smiled sadly at Kevin. Kevin frowned, his anger tried to control him, but he pushed it down for Edd. Hugging Edd, Edd wrapped his arms around Kevin, even though they've dated for awhile, Kevin loved how shy Edd was. Tilting his face up, Kevin said,
"I'm coming with, whether you like it or not." Before Edd could complain, Kevin kissed him deeply. Edd moaned softly as their tongues danced with one another. Moving back, Kevin licked Edd's lips before letting him go.
"I have to go home. I'll see ya' tomorrow?" Kevin spoke bluntly, Edd smiled and nodded his head. Kevin left, looking behind him at the house across his own. Everything would be alright. He knew Edd would stay with him, they love each other. He has no doubt about that. Edd may be shy, but he is extremely open when they're alone. He knows it'll be okay. He's sure of it.

It wasn't okay, nothing was okay. Reading a note in Edd's now opened house, he balled his hand into a fist. Ripping the letter into pieces, he couldn't believe it. Edd had left. Kevin guessed at some point in the night, he fucking left. Kevin stood in place, rushing up the stairs, Kevin kicked the door, it opened with a loud thud against the wall. A lot of Edd's stuff was here, but he did notice key things were gone. Tossing stuff around, Kevin frowned when he saw the one thing he wished wasn't left. Picking up the keychain Kevin shoved it into his pocket and left, not bothering to look behind him, even once.

Pulling the keychain out of his pocket, Kevin wondered why he still has it. Edd left him. Kevin got up, putting the keychain onto his keys, he went to take a shower. There's no reason to worry. He'll be seeing the Dork tomorrow anyways.

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