No Questions

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          Edd turned the shower off, drying throughly, he dressed for the day. Brushing his teeth, he popped in earbuds and left his one room, one bathroom, apartment. The day before was emotionally draining, but it was a wake up call. Edd played symphonic music as he made his way through the busy city. He was leaving an hour early, but he felt like walking. Finding this apartment was lucky, the distance was not too far from work. Still, the walk was pleasing and he needed the air. Frowning, he turned his music louder, but all he could think of was Kevin. Walking forward, he suddenly heard a song over his music. Seeing a crowd of people, there was a woman standing on a box with other street performers around her. His voice sung warmly, even though the song was in Korean, Edd understood some of it, considering he was currently teaching himself to be bilingual. The thought of moving again was a pleasant and terrifying one. He knows he can't run away again. He just started this job, and he has bills that are due. Frowning still, he pushed forward, practicing his breathing techniques to calm himself down.

          Lunch had arrived quickly, and passed just as swiftly. Kevin was in his office, while Edd was working on getting everything done. Sending out documents, approving others based on Kevin's orders, as well as a multitude of other things. Hearing the elevator door open he didn't say anything as Nate walked down the hallway. Giving him a smile, Edd didn't prevent him from entering, Kevin hadn't said anything about him, let alone telling him not to enter his office. Writing in his notepad he heard some scuffling before a sudden cry was heard from behind the doors. There was no more noise for a moment before Nate was suddenly sent flying out of the room. Edd gasped when Nate hit his desk, moving the desk back and getting Edd stuck between his chair and the wall. Nate groaned as he got up and rubbed his stomach.
"Now, now, that's no way to treat your boyfriend. Especially in front of your ex." Edd flinched but watched as Kevin came out, hands in his pockets. That look of pure anger on his face scared Edd to no ends. He had only seen Kevin look like that once before, a long time ago. Edd's eyes darted between the two, he gulped and spoke softly,
"Sir, I-I apologize if this is a poor circumstance," that was an understatement. "Per-perhaps y-y-you should talk this out. Violence is no-" the glare Kevin sent towards Edd made him freeze. Shutting up, he gripped the table, his stomach was beginning to hurt from it being pressed against him, but he dare not to touch it for fear of enticing more anger out of the already terrifying Kevin. Nate chuckled.
"Come now, why don't you listen to him, this isn't necessary." Nate moving away slightly, heading towards the elevator. Kevin stared at him, his chest rising slowly as he tried to control his anger. Nate seemed to take the point and hurriedly entered the elevator.

          "Did I not teach you yesterday." His deep voice growled at Edd. Edd sat there, his mouth opening then closing as he tried to think of what to say. Kevin chuckled coldly, "first you leave, then you appear and make shit storms, nice." Eddy gasped, a slight spark starting in his stomach as he pushed the table forward. Thankfully it was a light cheap wood or he would have been stuck. Placing his hands onto the table he scoffed, his voice slightly rising as his own annoyance blossomed in his chest.
"Well, I ne-! I have no such thing as caused a, well, whatever storm. Our past has nothing to do with work, and Nate, as far as I am concerned, and have been told, is none of my business! I feel as if that obligation is upon you to tell me if you wish to have no contact with the gentleman while working!" Kevin only seemed to get more annoyed at Edd's statements.
"I am working, Mr. Victor, I would prefer if my inadequate secretary would remember what I taught him. I guess the smart boy I remembered has dumbed down over the years." Edd released a strained cry, glaring at the arrogant man before him. Stepping around the desk, Edd stood in front of Kevin and glared up at the taller man. Of course, Kevin wasn't afraid of the smaller male.
"I have become no less intelligent than previously, in fact I have learned more upon my years of growing up. Unlike someone who is obviously out of touch with how to calm down."
"Please," Kevin smirked, this smirk was unsettling and aggressive. "I think a person who takes control of a situation will make a track in this world. If anger gets me there then so be it. At least I have the gulls to do what is necessary, instead of running away." That one struck Edd hard, but he didn't back down.
"Our past has nothing to do with our cur-"
"Of course it does. I'm on top, and as far as I've seen you've hit rock bottom." Edd said nothing, he balled his hands and listened. "After you left, no one talked about you. We, who could leave, left. Ed and Eddy left, never knowing where their genius went."
"I have my re-"
"Was that reason me?" Edd became silent as Kevin got the upper hand. "Please, you could have broken up like a mature person, I actually didn't expect you to leave like that. After you left, I busted my ass and worked my way to the top. You just fell on your ass and that's no ones fault but your own." Edd looked away, he gasped when Kevin pulled his face towards his own. He expected Kevin to hurt him, but he didn't. His strong fingers just held him in place, his eyes spitting venom at Edd.
"You are your own, that's no ones fault but your own."
"I never expected there to not be consequences, Kevin," the name sounded odd rolling off of his tongue. He hasn't said it out loud for quite some time. "I never blamed anyone for my departure. My past has noth-"
"Stop using excuses. Your past has everything to do with now. I'm not ignorant, not anymore Edd." Letting go of him, he glared at the other. Edd no longer glared, he hid his face behind his bangs. "Move on Edd, grow up." With that Kevin entered his room, lucky that his door hadn't broken. Edd stood there. Staring at the floor, he sniffles, wiping his nose he breathed deeply and went back to work after situating his desk.

Listening to the Tv, Kevin nibbled on a sandwich. He looked out his balcony window his mind reeling over the days events. He swore he could see Edd trembling in his mind still. Crossing his arms he sighed. He wasn't angry about everything Edd had said. Some of it was truthful, there's no denying that. He almost wished he had said it at a different time, but it is too late to regret it. Heading outside, he stood on his balcony, letting the cool summer air hit him. Glancing over at a vase, a couple of sunflowers pointed towards the sky. He watched as the wind blew the flowers gently. It brought a fond memory to his mind, one he wished he could go back to, but that was too late now. Sighing, Kevin went back inside. He has a lot to think about.

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