authors note

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Hello my dearest readers (so serious I know)

I'm aware I've practically disappeared, and left this story nothing but an open book with no means to an end, but don't worry...I've decided to write an ending chapter or two. I bet you've wondered why I was gone- or you literally dont give a shit, but I'd like to tell you anyway. In september I started highschool, and I'm apart of the Academy Of Perfroming Arts at my campus, it sounds all fancy right? It's not fancy, but it's unbelievably busy. In class lessons on acting, after school rehearsals until 5, weekend rehearsals for at least five hours, and no motivation to actually sit down and write, because to be honest I haven't written in months, the most I've done are essays for school...which I regret. So, today I was home sick and I kid you not about 40 minutes ago I was listening to music and got the motivation to start writing again. Obviously I haven't touched wattpad in months, and it's been about a decade since I went near this story, so I'm going to start something new after I finish this up; which I kindly ask that you guys- if interested, look out for. I have no absolute promise I'll even find the motivation (ive said that word so many times jesus christ-) to pulish it or keep writing it after a few days because I am so busy, but I'll try my best, thank you.

ps- no hate please :- )

ps again because i cant remember if its pps or pss- I just reread somme of the chapters and I'm realizing that I wrote this in literal seventh grade, so my writing for the last chapter is going to seem really advanced, unless I just decide to go back and edit every chapter

Troubled~ Dallas Winston x reader Where stories live. Discover now