15. Car Chase

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I woke up to soft snores and strong arms wrapped around me. Taking in my surroundings, I realized Dally must have taken me back to Bucks after we were in the park. Not wanting to leave, or wake Dally up, I snuggled into his chest and fell right back asleep.

Dally Pov-

Her hair was a mess and her lips were slightly parted, but she still looked perfect. I brushed some hair away from her face and then scoffed at myself. There's no way I'm going soft for no one. She's just a broad. My broad.

I sat up against the head board and pulled a cancer stick from my pocket. Maybe I need to spend another few weeks in the cooler to clear my head- "Dally?" (Y/n)'s voice broke my thoughts. "Mornin' doll" she sat up and rubbed her eyes then looked at me. "What time is it?" I only shrugged "go look yourself" she rolled her eyes and got up, then put her shoes on. "Hey wait a damn minute, where are you going?"

(Y/n) Pov-

I ignored Dally and walked out of his room, all the way through the bar, and outside. Dally would be pissed that I ignored him but I don't care. I was feeling the need to cause trouble, and that car across the parking lot seemed like the right way to go.

Thanks to always hanging around with Soda and Steve, I was able to hot wire the old mustang and hop right in. I pressed my foot all the way down on the gas and high tailed it out of the lot. Soon enough there were police chasing after me, which is exactly what I wanted. Violently turning the wheel the car swerved to the right, the police flying right past us before they could take in what I had done. It's been a while since I've done this. Maybe it was because of what Darry said last night about getting in trouble with Dally. Or maybe it was just because I wanted to feel the rush of adrenaline again. At this point it didn't matter, the fuzz was catching up and my idea wasn't to be spending the next year in the cooler because I got caught with something as amateur as stealing a car.

The sirens were really close, and a crazy idea struck my mind. I pulled my hair up and tied it that way, then grabbed the heaviest thing I could find. "Let's do this." I set down the tool box I had found on the gas pedal and then unbuckled. The fuzz were close enough to touch car to car, so I quickly opened the car door and threw myself out. I could see the look of shock on their faces and smirked despite the pain of my, probably dislocated, shoulder. It was either stop a car crash or catch the criminal, and the officer most likely was going to call back up.

Adrenaline and a hint of deja vü coursed through me as my converse hit the pavement. Once again I could hear sirens, but I was determined not to get caught. I turned on every street that I could hoping to loose them. SCREECH!!! A vehicle flew in front of me, causing me to stagger back. "Get in!"

I didn't need a second invitation, and hopped in the car. Finally, we lost them. "What you did back there, was one hell of a chase broad" I turned towards the driver. He had dark hair, slightly tan fair skin, blue eyes and a handsome face. "Do I know you? I don't think I've ever seen you around Tulsa, and judging by your clothes, you ain't no soc" the boy chuckled as we turned onto one of the roads into town "I just moved here for a while, lookin for an old friend of mine." I raised my eyebrows "Who would that be?" He looked at me then back to the road "That's none of your business now is it, now tell me where to drop you off so I can get going" should I go home? Nah. "Drop me off at the DX gas station"

We soon enough pulled up to the dx. Before I got out of the car I turned towards the boy. "What's your name?" he looked at me, skeptical at first, then spoke. "Mark, Mark Davis" I nodded my head "(y/n) Curtis" he smiled for a minute and then drive off.
Soda and Steve walked up behind me "Who was that?" I just shrugged and went inside the shop.

Sorry for spelling errors and all of that! Stay gold💛

Troubled~ Dallas Winston x reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon