Chapter 14. You're My Girl

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We all ran home pushing and shoving each other, despite our injuries, a wave of triumph enveloping us. "I can't believe we won!" my excited voice was lifting a smile onto the gang's face "You better believe it, doll, we kicked their asses" Dally pulled me close to him as we walked home. I could see the house from here, and suddenly I felt the urge to just run, so I did. "Hey! Wait up!" ignoring my brothers I ran into the house and immediately jumped in the shower, turning on the water.

****Time Skip*****

After being yelled at for using most of the hot water I had to cook dinner, which wasn't fun in any way. Steve and Two were practically hovering over me the entire time, and at one point Soda started a fight with Darry WHILE I WAS COOKING.

"Hey (y/n/n), are you alright?" glancing over, Ponyboy was staring down at me concerned "Yea, kid, I'm fine. Can you go get Johnny and Dally though? I think they're outside smoking" just as I finished my sentence the two walked in. Dally's hair was perfectly sweeping over his forehead as he adjusted his jacket and walked up to me "See something you like doll?" arrogant ass- "Maybe I do" I walked up to him, teasingly, messing with his jacket and then walking away causally. Dally frowned and followed me to the porch. Suddenly, arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. Shivers ran down my spine as his hot breath kissed my neck "You know, (y/n)" Dallas whispered in my ear "That kiss the other day really was something." Quickly, I turned around backing him up to the house and whispering right back " Oh really? And why is that, Winston" he may have been good at hiding it, but I saw his expression for a few seconds and I could tell the games had just begun. Dally moved his hands down my sides and down to hips "You're playing a dangerous game, doll" I only hummed and moved my hands to the collar of his jacket "Danger is how I roll, you should know this by now" he smirked and brushed his lips against mine. Two can play it that way. I pulled on his hair, bringing him closer to me, and smashing my lips against his. The kiss was fiery and passionate with nothing delicate or innocent about it. SLAM! The front door flew open and out walked all of my brothers.

Darry pov-

I could kill both of them. Dally of all people? As much as it made sense, I was fuming. Of all the irresponsible, trouble making, jailbreaking, greasers she gets with Dallas Winston.

Pony & Soda pov-

oooooo she got busted.

(y/n) pov-

Soda and Pony were standing behind Darry who was fuming. Dally stood next to me, casually putting a cancer stick in his mouth and lighting it. Darrel's eye twitched at the sight. "What the hell?" his voice was bitter as if he had just drank a bottle of straight poison " Listen Darry, don't be angry, ok. Besides it's not your choice so you really don't even need to be involved."

Pony looked like he was going to faint at my response, and Soda just stared at me as if I were crazy. Which I am, but that's not the point. "(y/n) you get in trouble enough and with Dally, well, it's bound to get worse" I pushed Darry out of my way in disbelief and ran off of the porch with Dally.

****At the park*****

I laid on the hood of the t-bird, Dally leaning against the grill of the car. It was annoying that Darry immediately disapproved of Dally and I, I mean we barely even were doing anything. Without making any noise I jumped off the hood and stood next to him "Dal, do you actually have feelings for me?"

Dally Pov-

Her question hit me hard, and for a good minute I didn't know how to answer, but I turned around and grabbed her waist knowing my answer for sure. It was strange that this striking little broad could have such an affect on me. (Y/n)'s big eyes stared into mine and I slammed my lips into hers, pushing her back into the car. I could feel her hands traveling up my shirt making me more anxious than a good car chase with the fuzz. I loved this girl.

(Y/n) Pov-

Dallas's lips moving in sync with mine was enough to answer my question. I smiled into the kiss as my hands traveled up his toned chest, making me aroused. Taking this further wouldn't be an option, but god I wanted to. "I don't care about Darry's opinion, you're my girl" I smirked, pulling away for air and breathing heavily against his chest "I know I am Dal."

I would like to apologize to literally everyone who's been reading this. I've been caught up in so many things since schools started, and I've had so many struggles with myself and other people. I want you all to know that I've picked my ass up, though, and I'm ready to finish this story and start writing again. Stay gold fuckers💛

Ps: sorry for spelling mistakes😂

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