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-(y/n) POV-

Darry's yelling probably woke up the entire neighborhood. "I was out," my calm and collected demeanor shocked them, I was usually very loud and hot headed when Darry yelled at me like this. "Out where?" he grumbled getting angrier by the second. I smirked, "Out of the house," I could tell I was pushing his buttons, I could practically feel the annoyance radiating off of him. " (y/n) you know damn well that's not the kind of answer I expect, not only do you have school tomorrow, but you know better than to be out and about alone at these hours." I'll give him a point of authority on that one, I really shouldn't have been out alone at the hour I was. The socs could've easily got hold of me and no one would be there to help. I rolled my eyes and yawned already walking to my room, " I'm going to sleep Darry, you can finish lecturing me in the morning. Night Soda see you in the morning. Goodnight Dally and Steve!" As I walked into my room I heard a chorus of good nights behind me. Yawning again I took off my clothes and put on one of Sodas old t-shirts he said didn't quite fit him anymore. The shirt went down to my knees so I took off my pants and crawled under the covers letting sleep take over my body.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs being fried on the stove, no doubt Darry cooking breakfast. As I got dressed and put my blade in my pocket(picture above) I heard Two-bit, Johnny, and Dally run into the living room and plop on the couch roughly, waking up Steve who spent the night. I walked into the kitchen going straight to the fridge and grabbing the gallon of chocolate milk. " Morning (y/n/n)!!" I turned around to see Ponyboy looking at me happily. " Good morning Pony!How'd you sleep?" " Pretty well, I just don't want to go to school today," he groaned slightly agitated at the idea of school. " Well chin up runt, it's Friday," I said while ruffling his hair-something he hated. He slapped my hand away getting ready to argue when a loud bang from the living room stopped us. " Looks like Two's already wasted this morning" Dally snickered to himself. Johnny sighed in disbelief slumping down on the couch. He looked really tired, more than usual. God I really hate his parents. "SHIT!!" I turned around startled by the words that came out of my brother's mouth. " C'mon (y/n) we're late" Pony grabbed my hand and both our bags, rushing out the door.

***💫Time skip💫***

The fifth period bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. " HEY GREASER" I sighed and rolled my eyes praying I wouldn't have to beat the shit out of someone today. " Hey bitch I was talking to you!" Annie Lane(sorry if your name is Annie)the head cheerleader and most snotty soc bitch in this school would not leave me alone at all this past month. " What the hell do you want Annie?" my voice had venom lacing through it. " I just wanted to know if you had any plans this weekend?" I smirked, " Yeah I did actually, I was going to make my way to your house and fuck your daddy right in front of your mother then stay over for dinner. I was hoping after those activities we could maybe go shopping and spend a little time together?"this bitch is thought bubble was popped when she punched me. I could feel the skin above my eyebrow break and I knew blood was dripping down my face. " You stupid greaser!! No one talks about my family like that" blah blah blah. I cut her off by punching her in the stomach and pulling my blade out. "Don't make the mistake of angering me sweetheart" people were watching intently, but I didn't care. "(Y/N)" Pony and Johnny came rushing down the hall, pulling me away from Annie. " Can we just finish the school day" Johnny said this as more of a statement and not a question, I could tell he was really out of it today.

*** le time skip 2***

I jumped into Dally's car that he "borrowed" from a friend. I could feel him staring at my bruised and cut eye and eyebrow area, but he didn't question it. We were going to go to the DX and bother my brother and Steve, then go hang out some place. " You know (y/n/n) I really need to have some fun tonight, wanna do something special?" I looked at him skeptically. " I don't know Dal, what'd you have in mind?" " Nothin legal doll, nothin legal" I always get chills when he speaks that sentence. Weather it's because of the adventure that comes after it, or just because Dallas is saying it, I don't know.....yet. Soon enough we arrived at the DX, Dally went to go flirt with some broad while I went to go pester Steve since Soda was not in sight.

- Dally's POV-

When we got to the DX I went over to this real pretty broad with dirty blonde hair and a real cute face. She looked sweet, a little too sweet though. She looked as if she wouldn't hurt a fly. (Y/n) though, she was the exact opposite. She was beautiful and bold. She always had something to say, and she be real nasty when she was pissed. I was planning on taking her to the Dingo then the drive in, but I want to do something a little more exciting. I can tell she's in the mood for something fun too, but I can't help but wonder what the hell she got that nasty bruise from.

-(Y/n) POV-

"Hey Steve" he looked up at me while he was finishing working on this old teal Mustang's engine. " Hi (y/n/n)" Steve said looking back to the car in front of him. " Do you know where Soda is?" Steve shook his head and pointed to the back of the garage building. "Thanks Steve" he waved me off and continued working on his car. I turned a few corners and went through the tiny DX store to get to the back. There was Soda, his hair covering his forehead with a cancer stick hanging out the side of his mouth. "Mind if I have one" I asked pointing to the pack of cigarettes sitting next to him. "Go ahead" I could tell Soda was deep in thought so I decided it was best to leave him that way and not interrupt. " I'm going to go find Dally so we can get tonight started, I'll see you at home Soda" I could hear him shuffling around behind me. " (y/n) make sure you don't get home too late, and you better have a good explanation for that cut and bruise you got going on there." I could tell he was wondering what happened today too, but I didn't have time to explain, I have to go find Dally. I'm excited for tonight. I just knew Dally had something planned, and it would probably get us drunk or in trouble, or both. "There you are," Dally looked up from the little blonde broad. He smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist, " damn right I'm here doll, now shall we get our night started?" I smiled, " yes we shall." He laughed and jumped in his car that was right outside in the parking space, me following suite. " Let's have some fun baby!"

I'm not the best writer, but I'm content with this. I apologize for any spelling mistakes. My fingers actually hurt rn. Anyhoe I'll probably post on Wednesday. Stay gold😗

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