Chapter 8- Trouble With The Socs

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-Dally's POV-

Johnny and Pony came here last night right after my run in with Shepard askin' me for help after killing some soc. I believe it was the same soc who led the group that jumped Johnny and was messing with (y/n) the night I got arrested. I told them to go to the old abandoned church on Jay Mountain, a place I stayed before coming to Tulsa. I was worried for them, especially Johnny, I don't want anything to happen to the kid. My mind wandered off to (y/n) and the night we danced together. I can't believe she got me to dance, I need to stop thinking about her. I was startled out of my thoughts when I heard a yell, " BUCK, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND LET ME IN BEFORE I LET MYSELF IN!" speak of the devil.

-(y/n) POV-

I stood at the door to Buck Merrill's place for the second time this week, tapping my foot impatiently, and yelling for him to let me in. " What the hell do you need broad" I rolled my eyes as Buck opened the door " I need you to get the fuck out of my way so I can go get some answers out of Dally" the look I shot him was deadlier than the heater (a gun) he kept by his side. Buck stepped aside and made a hand motion telling me to come in; I did and went straight to Dall's room. I knocked once, then twice, then three times. " Dallas Tucker Winston I know that you're in there, and I know you know where my brother and Johnny are, so if you don't open the damn door I'll do it myself" I could hear him sigh loudly and move around a little. " Come on in then" I smirked happily with myself, but when the door opened my face was immediately red. Holy shit he has a toned chest." See something you like doll?" Hell yeah I do. I looked away rolling my eyes " No I don't actually, I just want to know where they are alright?" he raised his eyebrows " Where who are doll?" I'm getting pissed off now " Don't play dumb Winston, I know they came to you as soon as that Sheldon kid got killed, so please tell me where they are." Dallas sighed and rubbed his temples. " I sent them to Jay Mountain in Windrixville. Listen here before you go and run off though, I'm going to go get them at the end of the week, you can come with me then." I looked to Dally in disbelief " Why the hell would you send them to Windrixville?" he looked at me smiling a bit, " Because they'll be safer there for a bit of time."

***Time Jump because the word skip is becoming boring***

It's been three days since Pony and Johnny went missing. As soon as I got home from talking to Dally, Soda and Darry bombarded me with questions. I only gave them some vague answers and told them Dally and I were going to get them at the end of the week, much to their dismay. It was strange seeing Darry so emotional this past week, I also got a job at the DX with Soda and Steve, but today I had off. " Hey Two-bit!" he looked over at me slightly startled, " Oh hey (y/n), how are ya doing?" Truth be told I was doing awful, I couldn't sleep knowing my baby brother and best friend were out in Windrixville by themselves. " I'm doing as best I can I suppose," Two looked at me in sympathy " How about we take a walk together (y/n/n)?" I smiled at him " That'd be nice Two, let's go." 

As we were turning down the corner of some street a blue mustang started trailing behind us. I grasped Two-bit's sleeve and subtly motioned to the mustang with my head. " I know, we gotta hurry" we both started walking faster hoping we could make it back to the house before the socs made it to us. We weren't so lucky. The mustang's wheels screeched loudly as it stopped in front of us, Two-bit and I quickly turned around and started running in the opposite direction. " GET THEM!'' The soc who was driving the car ordered all his goons, "Ahh" I turned to see Two-bit had gotten knocked to the ground. " Keep running (y/n), don't let them get to you" I didn't want to listen to him, but I knew by the look on his face he was serious, more than he's ever been before, so I continued to run. Suddenly I felt a huge weight on my back; one of them had tackled me. I was screaming and kicking " Get off of me," the soc only smiled " I think not doll" the way he said doll made me shiver, it wasn't like the way Dally said doll, the way he said doll was flirtatiously and almost lovingly. When this soc said doll I knew he wanted to hurt me bad, real bad. " Two-bit, help me!" he groaned, obviously preoccupied with not getting beat to death himself. The soc who had tackled me was starting to get really touchy and I could feel his hand traveling down " I think fucking not" as soon as I said this I kneed him where the sun don't shine and pushed myself up kicking him again. Sadly, he was really strong and had me pinned to the ground once again, only this time he had a switchblade in his hand. " That was the wrong choice broad " he brought the blade over to my arm and started dragging it across my skin. Tears were streaming down my face, and I bit my lip so as to not scream. " Get the hell off of her soc " I couldn't tell who knocked the guy off of me, because I was slowly losing consciousness, but I know it wasn't Two-bit.

I opened my eyes slowly to find that I was on the couch of my house with my head in Soda's lap and my feet in Steve's lap. Darry was in the kitchen with the first aid kit, Two-bit was sitting in the armchair under the lamp asleep with an ice pack to his head, and Dally was across the room with a cigarette and beer. " What happened?" Soda and Steve jumped in surprise while the other three turned their attention to me. " You and Two got jumped, kid. Two held up nicely and you really hit that soc in the face nice, but he pulled a blade on you" I blinked as the earlier events came rushing back to me " As soon as Darry and Dally brought y'all back here we met up with some socs and arranged a rumble." I need a drink. " Steve?" he looked over to me " Yeah (y/n/n)?" I sat up getting a little dizzy " Could you get me a drink?" Steve sighed and got up, walking into the kitchen Sodapop following him. As soon as he was up Dally took his seat and wrapped his arm around me " How ya feeling doll?" I leaned into his chest " Like shit, and my arm hurts like hell" I said looking down and tracing over the bandages I had on. He lifted my head with his finger on my chin; getting real close to my face. " You'll be alright though, I know you will '' butterflies erupted in my stomach, I've never seen this side of Dally, but I was loving it. " I'm in so much pain Dall, and it's not just because of getting jumped, I need to know they're safe." he sighed tracing my jaw with his finger " I know doll, I know." We both leaned closer to each other, but Darry came in the room clearing his throat in an extremely loud manner.

I hope you guys like this chapter! Stay gold💛

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