chapter 16

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-(y/n) pov- 

 Well, it turns out that the boy- Mark he said his name was, had been looking for dally. They were old friends back in the city, and boy were they a dubious duo. Dally though, didn’t like that I knew him before he was introduced back at the house, and Darry sure as hell didn’t like it either, but what can I say? He was just at the right place at the right time and we met before he found Dally back at Buck’s place, and boy did he happen to be at the right place at the right time a little too often. Actually, it wasn’t long until he had started trying to take me out for breakfast, lunch, and occasionally dinner once in a while whenever he saw I was free to be bothered. I didn’t quite like how up my ass he was. On the other hand I needed time to myself, and even though I was sure Steve and Sodapop would eventually drag me out of bed to the DX, it seemed better than being pestered with Mark and getting dirty looks from Dally. “Knock knock” someone drew out from behind my door. Speak of the devil. “Yes Dally?” there was a pause “Can I come in?” I sighed, got up, and opened the door. He smirked at me “I was thinkin’ we could go down to the Dairy Queen in windrixville?” I’d be lying if I didn’t say excitement bubbled within me, but I decided not to let it show. “What’s in it for me?” Dally squinted “food”. Fucking deal. 

 Next thing I know, we were in Windrixville, eating and drinking milkshakes. I sat close to Dally, and he protectively wrapped an arm around me- a little too tightly. I tried to shift around, but all he did was pull me closer “Dal-” he shushed me harshly. “Don’t shush me!” We were catching attention, and then I noticed that he was practically clinging to me because Mark had walked in. “Doll, would you mind passing the salt please” he was loud as shit but I complied anyway “thank you” he winked at me and kissed my temple. Blood rushed to my cheeks as Mark walked over. “Hey you..” he was looking at me and before I could reply Dally answered for me “Hey to you too.” They exchanged a look, the type of look Dally had when he was ready to do something illegal. “Hi. Anyway, (y/n), I was wondering if you’d like to go back to Buck’s with me?” Once again before I could object, Dally answered for me “No she wouldn’t because she’s here with me.” I was getting annoyed, but Dally was right “Well she can answer for herself Dally.” Before I knew it, Dally was up and punching Mark square in the face. Mark jumped up and punched him back, and they brawled on the floor, wrestling and yelling. 

-Dally POV- 

Mark always was a real sleaze ball, but for him to go after my girl was another thing. I didn’t like how he was always no matter what following her around like a damn fool. I just had to instigate though when I saw him walk into the Dairy Queen. I tested the waters, and then here we are right now. I laughed my signature giggle and beat his face in at the same time, pissed off that he thought he could tell me about my own broad like that. I knew she could speak for herself. She's (Y/n) Curtis for Christ’s sake! It wasn’t until a switchblade had been pulled on me that my thoughts came back to earth. Glaring at Mark, I pulled out my heater. “Get out of here Mark.” He only glared back “No Dal, you owe me..and I think my payment should be her.” Before I could shoot him, I was stunned to see (Y/n) step up and punch him. Man, I love her. 

-(Y/n) pov- 

 I was so pissed I could barely think straight. My mind was racing a mile a minute with questions, but most of all, I just wanted to leave with Dally and never see Mark again. How dare he think of me as a source of payment for whatever bullshit Dal had to pay him pack for? “We’re leaving Dally…now” he nodded and angrily pushed past Mark, wrapping an arm around me once again and driving home. “Dally?” I held one of his hands as he drove “What do you owe him for..?” Dally dwelled on whether he should tell me or not, before speaking up, “Before I came to Tulsa, in the city, I made a lot of trouble with Mark. One day we got caught..and he willingly took the blame but there would be a consequence..Payment.” Oh. “He’s not going to touch you. He won't go near you, I’ll have Two, Steve, Soda, and Darry on his ass before he can even think about it, you hear?” I nodded and smiled. 

 Later we pulled into the driveway to the house and went in, Johnny and Pony were sitting in the living room watching Mickey, and I can only assume my brothers and steve were at work. As for Two Bit I have no clue, probably drinking and messing with some girls. “Hey Ponyboy!” I smiled and ruffled Pony’s hair “Hey sis, where ya been all day?” Johnny smirked teasingly “Out with Dally” Dally snorted “Watch it kid.” The boys only smiled and made jokes amongst themselves as Dally brought me to my bedroom. I looked confused for a moment, but then he kissed me. The kiss was unlike him. Instead of rough and hungry, it was tender and loving. Slowly he pushed me onto my bed and kissed me more, softly moving his lips to my neck and collar bone, giving me hickeys and bringing soft gasps to my lips. Dally smiled and held me close under him. “You’re such a teddy bear” he let out a muffled groan “Shut up.” 

A/n- I forgot that fanfics can be difficult to write lol, I'm trying my best to write this while still keeping it at the level it was at beforehand, I don't want to advance it so muc to the point where it doesn't match up!

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