Chapter 10- Church Fire

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Dally smirked at me, " Since yesterday morning while you were out and about doll." I rolled my eyes at him " It could be anyone else in the world, but you guys had to choose a soc who not only dated the kid who caused us most of our issues, but is a snobbish cheerleader at school." They all looked over to me " C'mon (y/n/n), she isn't all that bad, she's just different from us. I'm sure she's trying to help too" Pony said to me. I just rolled my eyes and finished my milkshake waiting for the boys to finish their food. They continued eating and talking while I told them I would "go to the bathroom," in reality I was just going to go find some trouble.

-Ponyboy POV-

(y/n) said she was going to use the bathroom, and I hope she doesn't take long because we're going to leave. Johnny and I decided we were going to turn ourselves in. " YOU LYING CHEATING LITTLE BITCH!!" suddenly a man came to our table dragging (y/n) by the arm with him "Is this girl with you?" She was smirking and had her arms crossed " Yeah she's with us, man, just set her down right there" Dally said motioning to the spot next to him. The man sat her down roughly " I want you out of this diner, and no more causing trouble with my customers runt" (y/n) just scoffed and muttered something like 'killjoy' under her breath. Johnny rubbed his temples, " Why must every place we go you or one of the gang members get us kicked out or in trouble?" she just shrugged and leaned on Dally's shoulder, kicking her feet on the table. " Let's get going."

-(y/n) POV-

We were pulling onto the mountain when Dally slammed on the brakes. " Oh shit!" him and I whispered at the same time. We must have all been thinking the same thing, because Pony, Johnny, and I all jumped out of the car and ran to the church. " Jerry some kids are missing, they've been gone for about half an hour, '' a woman said worriedly. There was screaming coming from the church, it sounded like a little kid's scream. Pony started running to go to the church, but the man stopped him, " Let me get them. You kids stay here." Pony didn't listen though, he jerked from the man's grip, Johnny following him. I went to follow, but the man grabbed me " Let me go you stupid cow, my little brother is in there!" I jabbed my heel into his foot and he let go of me. Quickly I followed Johnny. " Is that guy coming or what?" Johnny shook his head. " The window stopped him" Pony looked confused " Too scared was he?" I shook my head this time. " Nah...too fat" Johnny said, in any other situation I would have laughed a lot, but with what was going on, I don't think laughing would be appropriate. Surprisingly Johnny shut the kids up and got them to let us help them out. The roof was caving in, and the fire roared all around us, but I wasn't scared and either were the boys. Just as we were getting the last kid out the roof started crashing down, Johnny right under it. Without thinking I pushed him out of the way and a piece of burning timber struck m. I cried out in pain as my skin burned and a crack was heard from somewhere in my body. Pony was already out, Johnny was coughing and limping; trying to get himself out, Dally had come in to get me, and I was slowly slipping out of consciousness.

When I opened my eyes I was being carried on a stretcher behind Dally and Johnny. Ponyboy must have been alright because he was in the waiting room talking to the man who didn't fit in the window. I didn't know how the other two were, but something told me I might have been worse with the blow from the timber I took. I was set down on a bed, but I could still see in the hall where the doctors outside were talking in hushed whispers, no doubt about the boys' and me. " Miss Curtis?" I startled out of my thoughts which caused me to jump and whimper because of the pain in my side. " Holy fuck that hurts..." the doctor looked a bit shocked at my language, but continued speaking " We are going to do a few medical procedures on you, will you be alright with that?" all I could do was nod, before I once again fainted.


" Hey look, she's coming to" I heard a quiet voice say. I looked up " Where the hell am I?" Sodapop came into view, smiling with tears rolling down his cheeks " Hey little sis." A small smile broke out onto my face " Hey Sodapop" I croaked out, he chuckled as more tears rolled down his face " What happened to me?" I could tell he was trying to find the right words. " You pushed Johnnycake out of the way and just barely got out of the way before a piece of timber struck you. You have to wear a back brace for a few weeks because of the injury you got, but you'll be alright," Darry said from behind Soda. As much as I wanted to slug Darry in the face, I was happy to see him too. " Where are the other boys, how are Johnny, Dally, and Pony?" Ponyboy walked into the room after hearing his name " Get your ass over here kid" he did as he was told and walked over to me " You scared the shit out of me and are lucky that you're alright now because when I'm out of this place, after the rumble, I'm going to beat the tar out of you." Soda chuckled and shook his head, smiling. " So how are the other two?" I asked " Johnny has a real nasty burn on his foot and a sprained ankle, he has to have crutches, and Dally has a burn on his arm that is gonna scar" Soda said to me.

After my brothers left I had found out I would be here for a while. I also found what rooms Dally and Johnny were in, so I figured that I would go and visit both of them for a little bit of time. I struggled to get out of bed, but eventually made it. " Heya Johnnykid" he looked a bit startled when I appeared in front of him " What are you doing here? You aren't really supposed to be out of bed with your back and all" I just huffed in annoyance " I'll be fine Johnny, you know I don't listen to anybody when I want to get something done. Besides, we really haven't talked in a while, I can't even remember the last time we gotta hang out as friends together." He knew I had a point so he just motioned for me to sit in the chair next to him. We talked about the upcoming rumble, the DX, my brothers, his asshole parents, and so much more. " Well it was nice spending time with you Johnny, but I'm going to go see Dally" he nodded his head as I walked out of the door " Don't get caught" I chuckled and waved my hand, rushing into Dally's room as quickly and non-painfully as possible. " Slow down doll, wouldn't want to fall and mess up your pretty little face now would we?" I shook my head no, blushing a little at his words " Hello to you too Winston, how's the arm?" he shrugged and said something about it being a pain in the ass to move when he was trying to do something, but I wasn't exactly listening anymore. I laid down on the bed next to him and rested my head on his pillow " What are you doing (y/n)?" he asked me in an annoyed tone. " I'm not really allowed out of my room, so I'm finding a way to piss the doctor off. She'll have to come and find me, I also don't feel like walking all the way back to my room" he just rolled his eyes laid down next to me, throwing his arm over my stomach. I sighed in content and let sleep overtake me. If the boys come to Dally's room tomorrow before they do mine I'll be in trouble- not that I won't be in trouble when the doctor finds me first. 

I apologize for spelling errors, hope you enjoyed! Stay gold💛

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