Chapter 7- Gone

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As soon as the song ended Dally said he had to leave, so I started to make my way home. I have no idea what time it is, but I know I'll be in trouble when I get home. Apparently I'm not the only one who got home later than I was supposed to. " Well it's two thirty in  the morning, kiddo. Your sister isn't home yet either which is even worse, so where the hell have you been?" Darry was yelling up a storm; I wasn't even through the gate and I could hear him. I bit my lip and manned up, opening the door to face Darry's wrath. " Heya Darry" of all the things I could have said..." You go sit down at the table and wait until I'm done with Ponyboy here." he was pissed more than he's ever been before. " So Pony, where in the world were you?" Pony gulped and murmured some incoherent sentence, fiddling with his fingers and stuttering. Darry heard what he said though, " YOU WHAT?" his screaming woke up Sodapop who was sleeping on the couch waiting for us to get home. " Hey Pony, (y/n), where ya guys' been?" he wouldn't believe me if I told him I was dancing to Dion and the belmonts in the park with Dally. " I reckon it never occurred to you- either of you- that your brothers might be worrying their asses off at home" Pony and I both went to say something but Darry cut us off real quick, " Afraid to call the police because something like that could get you guys thrown into a foster home so quick your heads would spin off your shoulders." I could tell Pony was frustrated because the tears falling down his cheeks weren't from sadness. He then turned to me, " And where the hell were you? You know what don't answer that, I probably don't want to know, but I want you two to know that I'm tired of your shit. Especially you (y/n)." I wanted to say something, but I found my mouth was dry and I couldn't speak. Not even Mom and Dad yelled at us like this. " I said I didn't mean to..." I was so caught up in what Darry had said I didn't even realize Pony was still here. " You didn't mean to!" he roared, and I almost was knocked off my seat. " I didn't mean to! I forgot! I'm sorry! I'll try to stay out of it next time! That's all I ever hear out of you two. Can't you think of anything else." I could feel tears dripping down my face, I haven't cried since the day of our parent's funeral because I've been scared that once I started I'd never be able to stop, guess I was right. " Darry..." Soda was fully awake now and Darry turned to him, his face so red he looked like a tomato. " You keep your trap shut, alright, I'm tired of you always taking up for them." I could already see where this was leading. " Don't yell at Soda!" Pony shouted at Darry, he's going to get hit. I went to stand in front of Pony, but Darry pushed me out of the way harshly. Soda ran to my side, only for Pony to be slapped with such force he was flung across the room. " Ponyboy..." but Pony didn't listen, he just ran out the door and down the street as fast as his legs could carry him.

" I'm going to bed, make sure Pony is home before I wake up" I sniffled walking to my room before anyone could say anything. Shutting my door slowly and locking it, I laid myself down on my bed. I had never been pushed- and Pony had never been hit- by anybody in our family, ever. Suddenly I couldn't control myself, the tears just flowed freely down my face. I just want mom and dad back. A knock was heard at my door and Soda peeked his head through. He must have been shocked to see me like this, because his eyes grew wide and he immediately came to my side, shutting the door behind him. " Hey, it's alright, don't cry like that," Soda gathered me in his arms, brushing my hair with his fingers. " Why'd he d-do i-it Soda, w-why?" he sighed not knowing what to say. " I don't know (y/n/n), I don't know, but hey I got some good news earlier" I looked up at him curiously despite my sobbing and hiccupping state. " And what's that?" Soda smiled brightly, excitement radiating off of him " I told Steve you wanted to start working at the DX with us, and he talked to the boss for ya," my excitement was growing " He was skeptical and all since of the reputation you've created for yourself, but Steve said the boss saved you an interview for next week if you still want to work there." My mouth hung open in shock, all I could do was nod. Soda chuckled at my reaction and ruffled my hair, " Get some sleep, and no more crying, it's heartbreaking to see my little sister sobbing alone in bed, especially when that's something she never does" I smiled and walked to my dresser getting clothes to sleep in. " Goodnight Soda, I love you," he smiled and said his goodnights walking out of my room.

***Time-skip to the morning***

I awoke to the sound of hushed whispers in the living room. I shrugged it off for the moment and got out my clothes for the day.    

I walked into the bathroom shutting the door, not even glancing at the few people in the living room

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I walked into the bathroom shutting the door, not even glancing at the few people in the living room. After using the toilet and brushing my teeth, I pulled off my clothes and turned on the shower. After about 15 minutes in the shower I got out, doing my hair, getting dressed, and putting my leather jacket on over my clothes. For some reason it was really quiet when I walked out of the bathroom, the boys had stopped talking, which was very unusual. " What's going on, you're all very quiet,"  Two- bit was the first person to start talking, and the fact that he was sober this morning was even more concerning. " Johnny and Ponyboy are gone" my heart dropped down to my feet as I looked around the room, neither of the boys were here, Dally was gone too. " What they hell do you mean they're gone?" I asked bitterly, I know I shouldn't be so rude to Two-bit, but it's not everyday you're told your little brother and one of your best friends are gone. " They're missing, Pony never came home last night. They found the soc named Bob Sheldon dead in the park this morning, then Dally was brought into the station. Apparently Johnnycake killed the soc." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Johnny Cade killed someone? " Where the fuck is Dally then? Does anybody know where the boys went?" they all looked down " Dally wouldn't say anything, but we think he might know where the boys' are" I took in this information, quickly getting up and putting my shoes on " Where are ya going?" Steve questioned me. I looked over at Darry who was sitting in his chair, head in his hands, " I'm going to find out where my little brother and friend are."  

I'm sorry for spelling mistakes, I've been working on this and the next chapter all day, so I open you like it! Stay gold💛


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