Chapter 13. Rumble

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-Dally POV-

Tonight was the night of the rumble. I've been at Buck's the past few days and all I could think about was the way that (y/n) kissed me. Her soft lips still left a burning sensation on mine. I needed to get my head in the game though. Being distracted during a rumble never got anyone anywhere in life, and this rumble was the one that needed to be won.

-(Y/n) POV-

Tonight was the night of the rumble. I haven't had a lot of sleep the past few days, honestly though, that's my own fault. My head has been in the clouds, and all I can think about is Dally and the kiss we had. Anyways, Darry doesn't want me to fight in the rumble. Soda and Pony have been working on getting me to be able to go since they know how much I've been looking forward to kicking some ass, but I don't have much hope. With boredom fresh in my mind I decided it was time I had a little chat with my partner in crime.


" Buckkkkkkkkkk why'd youuuugivemeeeee a beeeeeer or twoooooo or threeeeee wasittttttt" ok, it's not my fault I got distracted when Buck let me into his bar and came up to me with some hot guy and a bunch of drinks "Canyou get- uhmmm- uhhh- Dal? Tex? Dallerrrrrrr" a little giggle left my lips at my mishap. Which eventually turned into hysterical laughter. I turned around to reach for Buck but he was going up the stairs " Datsss not faiwwwww Buckkkkkkkkkkkkk. Miiiiii whittle legs can't keep up with ur big onesssssss hehehehe" he only turned around and glared at me " Stay there, (y/n), and for Pete's sake stop drinkin' will you" I only rolled my eyes and sat down with a cigarette in my hand.

About 2 minutes later Buck came barreling down the stairs with a figure behind him " DALLYYYYYYYYY" omfg he was shirtless and whoaaaaa look at that toned chest. I was hungry and he was lookin like a whole meal(a/n I need to stop-). Dallas came down the steps and walked up to me giving me a full view of his abs. Looking directly in his eyes I went " HOT DAMN, do you have a kiss for daddy-wait nevermind wrong movie- do you gotta kiss for babyyyyy" pretty sure that's the first time dallas winston ever blushed at something I said. "(Y/n), let's get you home. Buck can I borrow-" he was waved off as it was a usual thing for Dally to be using the T-Bird " Ion wanna gooooo home. Darry is off and is gonna yeeaalllllll at mee" dally only shook his head and picked me up " We're off to the car."

" Poke" my finger hit Dally's shoulder "poke-poke-poke-poke-poke" I'm semi sober, but the only thing distracting me from my headache and  drunkenness was poking him soooo. "Pok-" Dally grabbed my hand and kept strong hold of it "(y/n/n) I swear to god if you say poke one more time-or poke me for that matter- i'm going to leave you here in the middle of the street" I ripped my hand from his grasp and sat down with my arms crossed. "Heyyyyy personnnn?" he grunted a hmm and looked over at me " Did you enjoy kissing me? Because I enjoyed kissing youuuuuu it was niceeeeeeeee and I think I realllllllyyyyy likeee youuuuuu hehe. Oh waitttttt! Don't tell Dally I said that okay Dal?" I really have no filter when I'm drunk.

"(Y/n) what the hell got into your mind? Not only is it the night of the rumble, but you missed work, and I don't like it when you drink, not one bit" my head was pounding as I took a sip of water and laid my legs over Soda's lap and my head in Pony's. Darry was back to lecturing me to death. " And what in tarnation were you doing over at Buck's place anyway- you what, don't answer that" yeah he probably didn't want to know that i went there to talk about dally and I making out. Just as we were wrapping up our conversation; Steve, Two-bit, Johnny, and Dally all walked through the door. I could tell each one of them was ready for the rumble, even johnny. It may not seem like it, but Johnny knows how to beat a bitch up. Steve came over to the couch and pushed Pony over "Hey (y/n/n) how you feelin?" I looked over at Steve realizing that I haven't talked to him much at all over the past few months. " Im ok steve, been better, but I'm pretty ok" we talked for a little more until Darry walked in the room " I think it's time we get ready for the rumble." I knew I was going.













We were at the old lot waiting and waiting. I stood by Dally's side, occasionally glancing at him, but keeping my eyes out for the socs as well. Tim Shepherd and his gang had already arrived, and now all that was stopping us from bloodying up the hill was the stuck up ass kissers and their lateness. Suddenly, a car pulled in. Then another, then another, until eventually four cars pulled up. Five people climbed out of each car, and soon enough Paul Holden, a guy Darry used to play football with, came to the front and greeted my brother. They exchanged a few words. Thunder crackled in the sky, a yell was heard, then all hell broke loose. Of course Ponyboy was the first one to get hit, which pissed me off bc that's my little brother and the youngest one here. I ran up to Pony and lifted him up, turning around just in time to dodge a punch that was thrown my way. I lifted my third finger to the man's face and then slugged him right in the jaw. "(Y/N/N)!!" quickly turning to see what was happening I saw poor Johnny being ganged up on. I was angry that Johnny of all people was the one they decided to pick on, so being the stubborn and angry goat I am, I decided to run forward and knock the two socs to the ground. Not the smartest idea on my part. One of the socs looked up, angered. He looked oddly familiar. Wait a minute, this is the guys that jumped Two-bit and I. "Looks like you just can't stay out of my way, doll" he grabbed the collar of my leather jacket and lifted me to his level. Behind him I could see Soda and Dally. Both of them looked pissed. " No I can't, doll" my voice was laced with poison as I kicked him in the shin. He backed up in pain, which was a dumb decision on his part, because he got two punches. " That's for my sister, Jackass" I smiled and took Soda's hand " Thanks bro, and thank you too Dal" Soda nodded and ran off to go help Pony. It was getting really quiet, and it took me a moment to realize this, but all of the socs were running back to their cars. This could only mean one thing. " WE WONNNNN"

Stay gold💛. Sorry for bad spelling🙂

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