Chapter 9- Reunion

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-Dally POV-

" I know doll, I know." she stared at me with a blush covering her face as I traced my thumb over her jaw. I want to kiss her, I need to. She started leaning in more and so did "I think you guys are close enough, don't you Sodapop?" Darry cleared his throat while glaring at me. "I think that's plenty close, don't you agree with us Steve?" he shook his head showing that he agreed with them. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and got off the couch, pushing past her brothers who were still glaring at me. " What time is it? I'm starving" we all looked at Two-bit who was now awake " It's almost 6, Two" Soda answered him. " Let's go to the Dingo since I know none of you want to cook" I suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and got ready to leave.

" Dally, can I talk to you a moment?" I looked over to Soda " Yeah go ahead" (y/n) glanced over at her brother curiously, but he just waved her off. "Dally, do you like my sister?" I pulled out a cancer stick and lit it, " Yeah man she's cool and all, being the only girl in the gang. She's pretty tuff too" I knew what he meant, but I wanted to be difficult, I don't have to answer to anybody. " That's not what I meant and you know it Dal," Soda looked at me seriously " Man, I don't know alright. A guy like me doesn't exactly get a broad like her, but she makes me feel some strange way" i can't believe I just said that shit. " Just...if you do, please don't hurt her, because then Darry, Pony, and I will have to hurt you" he wasn't joking. I know how protective the Curtis brothers are of (y/n), they basically kill every guy that looks at her with their eyes.

-(y/n) POV-

I desperately wanted to know what Soda was talking to Dally about, but I held in my curiosity and ate my food. Eventually the two came to the booth, Dally taking a seat next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. My face felt like it was being engulfed in flames " You alright there doll, you look a little red to the face" if looks could kill Dally would be a puddle of nothing on the floor. " I'm fine, just a little warm" Dally just chuckled and moved his arm down to my waist " Sure you are darlin'." Darling? That's new. I just shrugged, pushing my thoughts away and finishing my dinner. " I'm f-" I cut myself off by yawning loudly " Looks like someone is tired" Steve chuckled " We should probably get going anyway, it's getting pretty late" I nodded in agreement with whoever said that, I was to busy falling asleep on Dally's shoulder to notice.


Time seemed to be going by extremely slow, but it was finally the day Dally was going to take me with him to get Pony and Johnny. I happily hopped in Buck's T-bird that Dally had borrowed " Do you think that they're okay?" Dally looked over to me, " I don't know, doll, but they're strong kids and they can manage being on their own for a few days." It didn't feel like they had been gone for a few days, it felt like a few years. " I know, but I'm worried for them. Damn socs always ruining things, had to go get Johnny and my little brother on the run because they couldn't stay in their own territory" I rambled on for quite a bit until I got tired and decided to shut my trap. God I hope they're okay.

After almost an hour we finally got to Jay Mountain. Before Dally could unlock the car I hopped over the door and ran to the church, excited to see the boys. Dally caught up to me, " Gee, I knew you were excited, but you could have waited for me to at least unlock the car and walk with you" I chuckled and rolled my eyes, pushing the door to the church open. I gasped when I saw the two boys, Johnny sitting down on the floor smoking, and Ponyboy asleep with his hair cut off and dyed. Johnny must have been startled by me, because he jumped up pulling out his blade. " Whoa there kid calm down, it's not like I'm here to kill ya" he looked at me for no more than a second before running up to me and wrapping his arms around my body. "Boy am I glad to see you guys here" his voice was muffled, but I heard him and chuckled. Suddenly another body had latched itself onto me. " (Y/n)!" I hugged Pony closer to me and smiled " Damn you look different with your hair like that" Pony scrunched up his nose " I know." Dally walked over to us " Hey, Ponyboy" ---he fumbled with a few pieces of paper in his pocket--- " I got a letter for you." Pony unwrapped his arms from my own and looked at Dally in confusion. " A letter? From who?" Dally gave the envelope to him " It's from Soda."

" He came to Buck's yesterday for something and found your sweatshirt. I told him that I didn't know where you and Johnny went, but he didn't believe me." I snorted at that " He gave me this letter to give you. Kid, you should see Darry. He's takin' this real hard, and (y/n), she's been a mess too." Dally spoke as if I wasn't in the room. " How come you got hauled in?" Pony asked Dally. I didn't listen to the rest of their conversation, instead I went up to Johnny and tried to start a conversation.

" Y'all want to eat or not?" both boys jumped at Dally's words, and rushed outside to the car. I let Johnny have the front passenger seat because I knew Dally wanted to be near the kid, even if he didn't want to admit it. Dally always did have a real soft spot for Johnny. We stopped at the Dairy Queen and the first thing Pony did was ask for a pepsi, man he's addicted to that drink. Dally had gotten a few hamburgers and fries, while Pony and Johnny had gotten barbecue sandwiches with banana splits. I wasn't too hungry so I only got a vanilla milkshake and a small fry. " I forgot to tell you guys something," Dally said, finishing his food. "The socs and us are having an all-out war through the city. The kid you guys killed had a lot of friends all over town, we can't walk alone at all. I started carrying a heater with me..." Pony looked at him frightened, "Dally! You kill people with heaters!" Dally looked at him " You kill them with blades too, and either way it ain't loaded. I ain't aimin' to get sent to the cooler for murder. Tim Shepard is going to have it out with the socs in a vacant lot tomorrow night. We got a hold of some socs though too, and if they win things go on as usual. If we win they stay outta our territory for good. Two-bit and (y/n) here got jumped a few days ago." Ponyboy looked at me as soon as Dally said that. " You got jumped?" I just shook my head and let Dally continue. " Darry and me came along just in time, but they weren't having too much trouble" Dally chuckled, and I could tell he was referring to when I kicked that soc in the face " We also got a spy." I nearly spit out my milkshake. " Since when the fuck have we had a spy Winston?"     

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