CHAPTER 3- A little fun

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I decided to start naming chapters🙃

-(Y/n) POV-

As soon as those words left his mouth we drove away, no doubt exceeding the speed limit. I looked up at him, surprisingly he had a small smile on his face. Not like the usual smirk he had slapped on his lips, but a real genuine smile. " Well I'll be damned," he looked over at me, confusion on his face. " The cold hearted Dallas Winston actually has a smile." He scoffed and turned his attention back to the road. " Oh shut your trap before I bring you back you your house so you can deal with Darry" there's the Dally I know. I looked around and saw we were heading towards the Nightly double. "Dallyyyy, I thought you said we were going to have some fun" I pouted " Don't worry doll, I just have a favor to return to someone, then we can have all the fun you want." I stayed silent until we got to the drive in. Dally got out of the car and told me to wait for him. After about ten minutes I got bored of sitting in the car and decided to get out. As I slid under the fence a group of socs surrounding a blue mustang started wolf whistling. "Hey there pretty little lady," god I could smell the alcohol on his breath from a mile away. I tried to walk away, but this asshole decided to grab my arm. Where the fuck did Dally go? " I was talking to you broad" my patience with this guy was running out, " I don't really give a shit that you were talking to me, and if you don't let go of my arm I'm going to turn around and take that stick out of your ass and replace it with your tiny dick,"(a/n I honestly have no clue...) I growled. His friends burst into laughter in the background. " Oooh you picked a tuff one Bob," he only grumbled in annoyance. " Shut the hell up all of you, I want to have a little fun" (a/n boom title drop suckaaaaas-I'm sorry😂) my face went pale, knowing what he meant by a "little" fun. Without thinking I screamed at the top of my lungs, but was stopped in an instant. My cheek was burning from the hard hit, and a blade was pressed to my throat. How the fuck is no one noticing this? " Get the hell off of me you stupid son of a bitch!" he had a shit eating grin on his face that only got wider as I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Or what princess? What are you goin-" he didn't get to finish his sentence since he was violently thrown off of me. " Or I'm going to beat the tar out of you," Dally grabbed my hand, pulled me up, and started running.

"Dally what are we running for?" He completely ignored my question and jumped into the car. I suddenly heard sirens in the distance and understood why he was in such a rush. The favor he had returned earlier probably had something to do with the sirens too. We didn't get very far before the police car stopped us though, this would be my third time this week that I had to be headed to the cooler.

*** time-skip over the invisible rainbow all the way to the land of OZ***

"You kids just can't seem to stay out of trouble can you?" I shook my head no. Dally and I were currently sitting in the back of David's police car. I honestly feel bad for the guy, he's always on the night shift at the station, which is usually around the time Dally and I decide to be pain in the ass's. " I feel like if I'm not taking one of you in one week, I'm taking both of you to the station the next day, and the fact you got me drunk missy is unacceptable," blah blah blah, god it feels like I'm being lectured by Darry. I was starting to get tired, so I laid my head on the closest thing to me...which happened to be Dally's shoulder. "Get the hell off of me (y/n)" I ignored him-until he pushed me off. "C'mon Dally, I'm tired as fuck" this eventually led to an argument, and I could tell David was getting fed up with our childish arguing. Suddenly the car lurched forward, then came to an abrupt stop. David unbuckled, muttering curses to himself as he got out of the car. It took me a minute to register what had happened, but the next thing ya know I was outside and the car was driving away. With Dally still in it. The night didn't go as planned, and I was going to have a lot of explaining to do when I got home...

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