Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 2:

Mitten's POV:

"No mum, I'm not abandoning you-"

"Yes, you are! You hate me and want to leave me!" She cried, making my sigh.

"Its just for a couple of months tops, mum, I love you, okay?" I awkwardly comforted her, patting her back.

"If you really loved me you wouldn't be leaving me to rot here alone! What if I die!? Nobody would know and I would just ... B-be dead!" She exaggerated, throwing her arms in the air as if I was never coming back.

"Pam, I'm here. Your not really alone-" dad tried but got cut off by the boss.

"Shut it, Terry! I'm being left here alone while my baby goes off to the devils country!" Mum snapped.

I sighed once more and pulled mum in for one last hug. "I might find my mate there, you never know." I whispered.

Her body tensed, then she started squealing like a fucktard.

"Hear that Terry? Mittens is off to find the one!" She latched on to Dad and gazed into his eyes with a toothy smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, for fucks sake, mum. I didn't say that!" I moaned, bringing my hand up to my face.

"Language dear!" Mum scolded me. They both pulled me into their loving arms and embraced me until I heard hooting from behind us.

"Bye mum, bye dad, love you guys!" I called out to them, dragging my suitcase with me and dropping it in the boot.

"Bye Mittens, we love you!" Dad called out to me.

I looked at the happy couple. Mum was a small and plump woman with grey hair and dad was tall and thin with dark brown hair. They were so different, yet they were made for each other. They are mates.

I gave them one last smile before I shut the door to the yellow mini.

"Thanks for giving me a ride to the airport Abbie." I kissed her cheek.

Abbie was one of my best mates, she was so bloody amazing, you couldn't not love her.

"Anything for you Misty." She smiled sadly. "I just wish you didn't have to go."

"I know, your all gonna miss this bitch," I pointed in an abnoxious way to myself.

Abbie tossed her long black hair over her shoulder. "I agree with the bitch part."

I laughed. Abbie was about the most out-going person I knew. She had purple eyes, natural surprisingly. She was also really smart and kind. She could hold her drinks and she never judged anyone.

"I'm going to miss you so much Abbie." I said softly. Too soft for her human senses to pick up.

I wish she knew about werewolves, but every werewolf is sworn to secrecy, so even if I told her, the Alpha would have to kill me and the person I've told. Not great for us...

We arrived at the airport and I grabbed her into a hug, knowing I wouldn't forget her strawberry scent.

"Tell everyone I'm going to miss them and to go fuck themselves for not coming to see me off!" I laughed, patting her bottom.

I heard giggles behind me. I turned over to see almost all of my friends holding 'goodbye' balloons.

"We couldn't leave without saying bye to our girl." Jason smirked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Even if we had to miss the auditions at the bar...." Carrie muttered, kissing my cheek.

I'm in a band called 'Silver Wolves', I know, its funny because silver can kill a wolf... Wait that's not funny...I just meant, its funny because of the irony... There I go again, being hilarious.

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