Handcuffed To The Alpha

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The Alphas Pink Handcuffs

Chapter 9

Mitten's POV:

The moonlight shone through the trees that surounded us. I felt warm and happy... But this wasn't right. I could never be his.

We must of slept for a long time because it was already night.

I lifted my head off of his warm body and looked at him. I still didn't know who him, I mean I knew he was an alpha and my mate but I didn't know his name, or anything about him.

When I used to dream about meeting him, I never expected to be so attracted to him, the pull to him was so strong and just by looking at him, my knees weakened and my tummy erupted into butterflies.

He had black hair and green eyes, just like Jake. I can't believe they're brothers, I never expected to be the my mate of not to be my baby's daddy but his brother.

The euphoric feeling I'm having at this moment, by his side, is undescribable. Its like, if I wasn't by his side I would feel hollow and alone. And whenever he's near, I am happier and more at peace.

I heard him purr in his sleep, snuggling his head deeper in my fur ever so slightly. The movement caused me to become more alert; I have to go, I'm enjoying this too much.

Even with my thoughts, it took everything in me to pull away. As soon as I pulled back just a little, he just slung his black, heavy paw on my back and pulled me closer to him, holding me a little tighter. I growled lowly with irriation, I wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon if he didn't move.

After hearing my growls, he slowly opened his stunning green eyes, which were filled with happinness but soon dimmed with sadness; he knew I wanted to leave. He held me a second longer, then slowly and reluctantly he let me go, getting up. As soon as his paw and head left my side, the warmth fled and the slight emptiness filled.

I stood up, feeling a little queasy. He looked so sad and I could see water filling his eyes. Why should he cry? He never came looking for me; with the mate pull, he (as the male) should've known where I was.

He lowered his wolf head and whimpered slightly. My body started to shake. The emotions running through me, skyrocketing, as the pain and sadness he was feeling, hit me through the mate link. I fell, landing lightly on the soft grass, and let out a small cry of distress.

Everytime he hurts, I hurt ten times worse. Everytime he's happy, I'm ten times happier. Everytime he moves, I follow. Like I'm his puppets, strings and all.

Its as if I'm handcuffed to the Alpha...


Nya's POV:

Oh, fuckety fuck. This can't happen now! As soon as everything with Mittens settled down, my douche of an Alpha turns out to be her mate! Its not fair! On Misty and its not fair on Jake. The poor baby, its going to end up so confused. This whole thing is so fucked up!

We all know that he felt the pull when she turned 16, and he has bloody felt it for three years!

I don't care if he's bloody alpha! He should've gone to England to find her, like Lenox did with me and with an alpha, the mate link should've been stronger therefore easier to find her.

Lenox wrapped his arm around me, silently calming me. "It'll be okay babe. Don't be so angry, maybe Alpha Christian had a reason, as to why he didn't go and look for her.Mittens is strong, she'll make the right choice for her and the baby." He whispered into my ear.

"And what if she chooses him? Huh? I mean I know she isn't mine and I will eventually find my mate but what if she just leaves? What if she doesn't let me se the baby? I couldn't ..." Jake spoke for the first time in hours, his voice choked up and his eyes started to water.

Lenox put his hand on his back. "Its going to be fine, she's smart..."

I was starting to get worried, they had been gone for hours, it was starting to get really dark. I looked at the clock, 8pm, we had gone into the pack house ages ago.

"I wonder what they're doing..." I muttered, not meaning anything by it.

Jakes head shot up. His blood shot eyes filled with worry and anger.

"No, Jake I didn't mean it like that! She wouldn't do that! She isn't a cheater." I calmly said. I stood up and so did he, his body tense. I reached out to grab his arm to stop him, but he had already ran out of the pack house towards the forest.


Jake's POV:

Mittens was out there... With my brother. And maybe she was really destined to be his, but we all know he chose not to be with her. And once I'm with her, he wants her again... I wanted her so much. God, he's so fuckin' selfish.

"She'll make the right choice, for her and her her baby." I heard Lenox say.

Was I the wrong choice? Did I not deserve her?! She was pregnant with my pup but he was her mate. That's destiny? To end up with ones mate, whatever the circumstances.

Before I met her, I wanted to live my life, then marry and settle down and adopt kids. The doctors said 'you can't have children and you won't get a mate' and that broke me.

But the crazy thing is, I love her. And I can have children... With her. But if I can have kids, does that mean I have a mate? Somewhere out there? No, I have never once felt the 'pull', I won't even go there.

"I wonder what they're doing.." Nya said.

Fuck! She's with him and they're probably gonna mate! Isn't that what most mates do when they meet each other? And I was just going to sit here and let it happen? Fuck no.


(A/N here you go!:D

What's the story with Jake; why can't he have children or get a mate?

All will be revieled bitchess!

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