Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 17

Mittens POV:

Everything was a rush around the house with Nya's wedding coming up in a week and all. Dresses and suits were bought and the cake was ordered. Nya was doing great. Me? Not so much. I was starting to get a bump and had bingo wings and swollen feet. Yea, sexy.

Jake was good and sex wasn't an issue since my hormones are crazy I'm always up for it. We did argue sometimes but it never developed into anything bigger.

Puppet was learning more and more words and fast. I was so proud of ! She had oficially made pink her favourite colour and black her least. Her and Jake were so close, almost like she really was our daughter. We didn't know anything about her past but we sure as hell weren't going to let her go back to that.

I was trying to get Puppet to use the loo. Yup, my days are just full of excitement. And shit.

"You put your bottom there, you do your business..." The video teaching children how to use the loo are seriously pervy...

Puppet just kept shaking her head. "Look, even I use the toi- oh god." My hand flew to my almost round stomach. "Fuuudge." I wheeze.

Pregnancy's suck. I called for Jake and he was up in seconds. He picked up Puppet and went to the other room to give her to Nya. I struggled to stand and wobbled a bit.

"You okay?" He asked when he was back.

"Yea... No. I hate this. I hate pain, I hate nausea, I hate puke, I hate the fat, I hate that my boobs hurt and I hate the way I smell." I groaned, rubbing my tender booby.

He pulled me in his arms and kissed me softly. "Why don't you take a nice, hot bath then? We'll look after Puppet, okay?"

"Okay." I sniffed like the innocent baby I am.


Tom's POV:

My plan was going perfectly. Nya knew I was back, Puppet was with them and Mittens was with Jake... Not Christian.

You see, Christian isn't real. He isn't human. He is a soulless body that had alpha blood running through his veins and a great mate to love and to keep all the good human qualities in him: love, compassion and mercy. What happens when you take away all that? He's left with Alpha blood. Something that doesn't care about hurting anybody or anything. Never backs down. Is hungry for riches and power. And now, all hell will break loose.


Mittens POV:

After bathing, Christian had come to the house and demanded to see me.

"Mittens, why can't you love me? I am your mate! Please, just give me a chance." He spoke.

I felt my eyes fill up with tears and they fell onto the floor beneath me. "Oh god, christian I can't. I can't love you completely. I'm so sorry." I cried, reaching out for him.

I was so cowardly, I couldn't even look him in the eye.

"That's what you want? You want my pathetic brother? You want a future filled with pain and misery? Well then, so be it! I will make your life a living hell! You give me no choice..." He didn't stutter.

I finally had the courage to look up and saw that his eyes weren't the sparkling green they used to be. They were black. Empty.

"No Christian, please, don't do anything stupid." I pleaded, knowing fully well that he would carry out his threats.

"I was kind enough to give you a choice but you chose badly. And now, you will suffer the consequences." He turned his back on me and slammed the door.

What had I done? Had I just put the ones I loved in danger? Have I just fucked up happy families?


Christian's POV:

"My men, we will sleep tonight. But tomorrow, tomorrow we fight. We conquer. We avenge."

The knights roared in agreement. They had no metal plates to protect them and no sword in their hand, but they were fucking werewolves.



Really sorry about the short chapter!

But loads'a dramaaa! :D

Also, sorry about all the pov switching!

And... This book will be ending soon!

Just eight more chapters.

There will be an epilogue, lucky you!

And wow, its a lot different to this book.

The next few chapters will be really dramatic

And there will be fighting scenes and gore...

Anyway, vote-comment-fan?

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