Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 6

Nya's POV:

"It was a mistake- wait, no! My baby is not a mistake...I just...I'm so scared!" Mist cried, her head falling into her hands. "I'm so scared." She whisperd out as she sobbed. Her body was shivering.

I took a deep breath..."I'm here for you Mittens, so don't be frightend." I stroked her back, creating soothing circles up and down her spine. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"There's... Something you should know. And I'd wish I'd told you earlier, but I couldn't. I thought that maybe... You'd think less of me; think I'm a terrible person. But I was so young. I didn't know." I felt my eyes water, maybe Misty would hate me... But she had to know.

Misty was sitting up straight, looking at me worried. I felt the salty water pour from my eyes and I bowed my head in shame.

I started my story that scarred me for life...


(Nya at the age of thirteen)

It was a cold night and I was on my way home from my friends house. I looked into the eyes of the dark, long alley. I had always walked right past it, scared of what the darkness held. But why am I afraid?

My feet stepped one infront of another and a slowly stalked into the shadowed path. Should I? It could be dangerous... I sighed, a bundle of grey air passing my lips. I continued my way down the dark alley, barely being able to see anything. It felt so cold down here...

I felt goosebumps arise on my skin when I heard something from behind me. I stood still for a moment, too scard to move, my heart pounding in my chest.

I finally had the courage to turn my body aound and see what the noise was. A breath of relief past my lips; just a cat.

I turned my body around to continue on my way down the alley for home, when I came face to face with cold, empty, yellow eyes. My body froze, too panic stricken to move. I couldn't even scream, I wanted to, but nothing passed through my lips.

"Hello sweetheart," the man whispered, carressing my freezing cheek with his dirty, gloved hand. "...Don't bother trying to run."

My heart missed a beat. What would he do? Would he take everything I have? Would he kidnap me? Would he hurt me?

Nothing prepared me for what happened next.

My screams peirced the air and rain fell from the heavans. My pleas for help were ignored and my throat went sore. He had ripped innocence away and laughed as he raped me.

When he was finnished using my body he threw me onto the floor, walkng off with one last word; "Worthless"


I felt as if I were reliving what had happened as I told Misty the past that had permanently scarred me for life.

Mist enveloped me with her arms as we cried together.

I felt my heart ache, but I needed to carry on, I needed her to know the truth.

"I had stayed in the alley the whole night and in the morning people just walked past my body. I really did feel worthless." Misty's arms tighted their hold on me. "Eventually, somebody found me and brought me home. I didn't speak to anyone, I just lay there, I felt like trash. My parents soon gave up on trying to get me to tell them what happened and they slept. I couldn't, I just felt numb all over. A week later I was in hospital because I wasn't eating or drinking, moving or speaking." I started to sob again. "It was the worst time for me and... The doctord told me I was depressed. I was sick a lot and after some tests, they found out that I was pregnant."

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